Girl critics

Everyone likes and dislikes certain aspects of a girl. The purpose of this thread is to give the posters of this message board the opportunity to post their criticism.

The rules

  • The words bitch, slut, whore, etc should not be used. Keep it proper & as factual as possible
  • Keep the likes and dislikes separate (it makes it easier for others to read)
  • NO DISCUSSION!!! If someone likes/dislikes something, respect that or use the PM system
  • You have to post something positive AND negative, not positive OR negative
  • If you don't have anything positive to post, don't post at all!
  • You're allowed to say multiple positive and/or negative things about a pornstar. It doesn't have to be equal to the amount of negative and/or positive things you've posted
  • Once you've posted your criticism, you have to tell which girls (max 2 girls PP) you'd like to criticize next (only pornstars/centerfolds please). I will then choose from the girls you've nominated.


The girl that I've chosen is

Eva Szaflarska

+ I like her butt because it's big, round but still doesn't look fat
+ The same goes for her thighs
+ She has a nice slender belly

- Her tits are a bit saggy
- Her aureoles are too big for my taste
- She could use a different haircut
- She looks grumpy in nearly all of her pictures
- Even though the eyes are beautiful by themselves, I don't find the shape of her head, in combination with her eyes, nose and mouth very attractive.

I nominate Betty Saint

As you can see the positive criticism isn't equal to the negative criticism. This is ok, as long as there's positive and negative crticism.

It is possible that you disagree with me, but please don't start a discussion. If you want to point out that you do like her slightly saggy breasts, simply post a reply and post your own positive and negative criticism.

Be as specific as possible. If you say you like her body, you're not really saying much. Maybe you like the width of her hips compared to her waist? If you do, post that. If you like her tits but can't specify what it is you like about her tits (size, firmess, size of nipples & aureoles, etc.) you can just post you like her tits. In the example above I won't mind if you say you dislike her face (if you dislike it), because it's very hard to define it further.

I will choose a girl from the girls you nominated (max 2 girls per person).

Last but not least, I won't always be participating.


Prince of the Rotten Milk


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Positives: Nice ass, pretty face, sexy eyes

Ngeatives: Boobs too small, too skinny for my taste
+ The size of her breasts
+ Her ass, nice & round
+ her waist, slim compared to her ass, just the way I like it

- Her eyebrows are too thick/heavy
- She looks older than she actually is (or at least that's the feeling I always get when looking at her)

PS nominate someone, guys!


Closed Account
Cindy Hope.

Wonderful smile
Very wild and willing
Attractive feet and hands
WIde hips
Shapely butt

Cindy's eyes seem a bit too deep inset, or one is off kilter or a different angle to the other. Having said that, though, I see some new pics of her on FO show her eyes seem to have grown into her face. Her face looks really well formed.

She is very popular. Just a tad too skinny and her boobies a tad too small for my liking.
Wait wait wait...

The next round isn't supposed to start until monday! If you really want to have more choice in who you want to criticize,

A. Nominate a girl (which only Wainkerr has done until now)

B. I'm willing to implement a voting round, just like in the MotW, SotW & PotW threads (if you don't know how they work, just check the ... of the Week threads)....
Cindy Hope

+ euro so basically perfect height/proportion
+ very nice ass
+ nice natural tits

- generic euro face/body
- not that much sex appeal


(sorry to those people who read previous posts, but I had to be sure this would be read!)

From now until monday (about the same time as now) you'll have to vote for 1 of the two nominated girls. Since Cindy Hope has already been criticized by multiple people I will not add her to the nominees!

This voting round will be a weekly event. So please, if you want to criticize a girl, nominate her when you're criticizing another girl, or just nominate her (only centerfolds & pornstars)!

If a girl has been criticized within the last month, she cannot be nominated.

The nominees are:

1.) Alia Janine

2.) Phoenix Marie
This week's girl is

Phoenix Marie

You can criticize and nominate until saturday.