Girl Commits Suicide Over LHC Fears...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
While I was sorely tempted to write some spoof piece about the end of the world yesterday, something deep inside told me that it would be a bad idea. There are people who were genuinely afraid of that thing and the potential for someone to do something rash and totally irreversible was always there. As is evidenced by the case of Chayya, a 16-year-old girl from the state of Madhya Pradesh in India, who drank pesticide out of the fear that the world was going to end when CERN turned on the LHC.

I hate to be "that guy", but...really? Of all the shit to worry about, she chose this? :dunno:

Sucks for her family and friends though.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

I hate to be "that guy", but...really? Of all the shit to worry about, she chose this? :dunno:

Sucks for her family and friends though.

Phobia: An irrational fear of something.

Keyword IRRATIONAL. People fear heights, they fear bugs.. ::snicker, laugh, chortle, guffaw::

Ahem.. it's irrational and people need to be smacked out of it. No offense there, Chef. I fear a few things but it's never going to hold me back from doing whatever I need to do. We have to keep going in a forward motion.

That girl needed to face those fears and flick 'em off the whole time. ;)

Oh well, natural selection.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ahem.. it's irrational and people need to be smacked out of it. No offense there, Chef. I fear a few things but it's never going to hold me back from doing whatever I need to do. We have to keep going in a forward motion.

No offense taken, I agree with you. I'm afraid of bugs and they've been getting into my aparment...but I still went to sleep last night!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
No offense taken, I agree with you. I'm afraid of bugs and they've been getting into my aparment...but I still went to sleep last night!

You Missed one! Right there, in the corner! FUCKER IS HUGE! ::steps back slowly::
Why commit suicide if you think something is going to kill you shortly anyhow? Even most people that have phobias want to keep themselves alive.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Why commit suicide if you think something is going to kill you shortly anyhow? Even most people that have phobias want to keep themselves alive.

Only she can answer that question, I think.

My thoughts on what could've been her mental state, worrying about:

Death by being crushed from the massive gravity of a black hole: Hmm. Near instant, yeah? Doesnt sound too bad. Hell, maybe paradise awaits on the other side.. maybe gravity sucks your inner 'soul' or energies out and spits you into another dimension. That'd be cool. Maybe. Probably not. Hmm.

Death by being crushed by a tiny black hole that slowly destroys the earth:Sounds fucked. Not fun.

Death by Half Life 2 style dimensional instabilities and aliens and.. all that bullshit. Well that's easy, just quicksave all the time and death isnt really a concern, now is it?

Death by disrupting the space time continuum: I'm sure.. not REALLY sure.. but mostly sure.. of two things: If aliens, greater intelligences and the like are up above.. and the certainty of that and their stealthy selves is absolute, right? Ahem.. if they're out there, then they wouldnt let us make a black hole device.

But then the thought occurred to me.. what if the collider can destroy us? I mean.. of course it can if used in a certain way, but.. what if we used it that way? They'd intervene to stop us from taking out our planet, the solar system, and disrupt nearby stars... RIGHT?!

So yeah. Greater powers than ourselves would intervene in the case of something that could effect the galaxy. But then again.. common sense might not be prevalent in the rest of the galaxy, either. Hmm. Something to think about.

Secondly.. those greater powers know what we can do but deny us that. In essence.. they block us from finding out what this device can do. Using the powers of creation is a tricky thing. They could've already done that, and their power.. can stop OUR POWER.. throwing our theories off and saving us, saving them.. all that, yeah?

Like I said, the power of creation is tricky: Whether it's creating a human thru sex.. (deformities, diseases, all that shit) or throwing things at each other in a collider to see if we can recreate a tiny 'Big Bang'.

A tiny big bang... possibility of black holes... that just doesnt sound good, does it? I mean.. really tho. That has bad idea written all over it. But.. that's just me. I hope it works to their specifications and we all ride in floating cars one day. ::shrug::
some people are really dmub
I'm gonna show a little compassion here and say that this is a really sad story. I hope it isn't true. But if it is, then I would have to say that this girl had to be a bit of a, shall I say, mental midget. It's a shame that someone wasn't able to ease her mind and prevent this from happening. Oh well.
Fiddle faddle. This happened in India. It was probably an honor killing and she was really murdered by her father and/or brothers for some moronic "face saving" reason and they are attempting to disguise it as a "suicide".
Death by being crushed from the massive gravity of a black hole: Hmm. Near instant, yeah? Doesnt sound too bad. Hell, maybe paradise awaits on the other side.. maybe gravity sucks your inner 'soul' or energies out and spits you into another dimension. That'd be cool. Maybe. Probably not. Hmm.

Due to the physics near a black hole I don't know how time would act. It might not be that instant at all if the gravity warps time into seeming like forever. Then again the forces of gravity would have ripped apart any living thing by that point so you wouldn't know it's happening.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Due to the physics near a black hole I don't know how time would act. It might not be that instant at all if the gravity warps time into seeming like forever. Then again the forces of gravity would have ripped apart any living thing by that point so you wouldn't know it's happening.

Aye. So many possibilities, so little.. time?


If the LHC had killed us, she wouldn't have even noticed. It would have been over in a split second. No fear, no pain. Comfortable, quiet, and with all her love ones taken with her in the same way.

Instead, she killed herself in an extremely painful way which probably took quite a while to work.

Fuck it, I'm glad shes gone. Thats one less idiot walking the planet.
I don't get how people could even begin to consider that experiment the end of the world. Seems a bit 17th century about it...

It's sad she committed suicide, but really, that's just her own sickness.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You're right. I'll go get the shovel.

(I'm going to hell, aren't I?)

Only if you dig too deep.

In russian hell the BUGS SPRAY YOU!

It'd be hilarious if they buried her right over the collider. Can they supercollide me some ice cold beer?
Fucking moron!!!

Lets hope there is a hell and shes burning in it right now for being one stupid bitch!

"Oooh, BlueBalls you one cold ass motherfucker"
Fucking moron!!!

Lets hope there is a hell and shes burning in it right now for being one stupid bitch!

"Oooh, BlueBalls you one cold ass motherfucker"

i have got to agree with you, why would you kill yourself if you're about to die soon, do we really need people like this?