Why commit suicide if you think something is going to kill you shortly anyhow? Even most people that have phobias want to keep themselves alive.
Only she can answer that question, I think.
My thoughts on what could've been her mental state, worrying about:
Death by being crushed from the massive gravity of a black hole: Hmm. Near instant, yeah? Doesnt sound too bad. Hell, maybe paradise awaits on the other side.. maybe gravity sucks your inner 'soul' or energies out and spits you into another dimension. That'd be cool. Maybe. Probably not. Hmm.
Death by being crushed by a tiny black hole that slowly destroys the earth:Sounds fucked. Not fun.
Death by Half Life 2 style dimensional instabilities and aliens and.. all that bullshit. Well that's easy, just quicksave all the time and death isnt really a concern, now is it?
Death by disrupting the space time continuum: I'm sure.. not REALLY sure.. but mostly sure.. of two things: If aliens, greater intelligences and the like are up above.. and the certainty of that and their stealthy selves is absolute, right? Ahem.. if they're out there, then they wouldnt let us make a black hole device.
But then the thought occurred to me..
what if the collider can destroy us? I mean..
of course it can if used in a
certain way, but..
what if we used it that way? They'd intervene to stop us from taking out our planet, the solar system, and disrupt nearby stars...
So yeah. Greater powers than ourselves would intervene in the case of something that could effect the galaxy. But then again.. common sense might not be prevalent in the rest of the galaxy, either. Hmm. Something to think about.
Secondly.. those greater powers know what we can do but deny us that. In essence.. they block us from finding out what this device can do. Using the powers of creation is a tricky thing. They could've already done that, and their power.. can stop OUR POWER.. throwing our theories off and saving us, saving them.. all that, yeah?
Like I said, the power of creation is tricky: Whether it's creating a human thru sex.. (deformities, diseases, all that shit)
or throwing things at each other in a collider to see if we can recreate a tiny 'Big Bang'.
A tiny big bang... possibility of black holes... that just doesnt sound good, does it? I mean.. really tho. That has bad idea written all over it. But.. that's just me. I hope it works to their specifications and we all ride in floating cars one day. ::shrug::