Gilbert Gottfried Fired by Aflac Over Japan Tweets

fuckin' anti-semite!

* those are some pretty good jokes


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
"They're sinking over here." :1orglaugh

Comedians make bad jokes, that's their job. AFLAC needs to get over it.
I'm all for the First Amendment and free speech. There is such a thing as going too far. And in this case, he took this too far. Other than I think he's a clown, did it occur to him at any point what is really happening to these people? One of the worst disasters in history and he making jokes about less than a week after it happened? That's a bit much.....hey asshole, use your fucking head before opening your mouth....IDIOT.

Just further proof where sites like Facebook and Twitter are dangerous especially for your livelihood. I mean comeone there has been people fired over tweets or facebook posts....lets have some brains people.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

This is awesome. They may be in poor taste, some of those were fucking funny.

I can't stand his voice though. He should definitely stick to this medium.

Jon S.

I'm all for the First Amendment and free speech. There is such a thing as going too far. And in this case, he took this too far. Other than I think he's a clown, did it occur to him at any point what is really happening to these people? One of the worst disasters in history and he making jokes about less than a week after it happened? That's a bit much.....hey asshole, use your fucking head before opening your mouth....IDIOT.

Just further proof where sites like Facebook and Twitter are dangerous especially for your livelihood. I mean comeone there has been people fired over tweets or facebook posts....lets have some brains people.
1st off, contrary to popular belief, the 1st Amendment applies to government action.....NOT the actions of non-government entities! Thus, you do not have freedom of speech in the US, other than the fact that the government, in most cases, can not impede said speech. Everyone likes to point to the 1st Amendment when it comes to speech in the United States, when in fact, just as in this case, it RARELY applies! Gilbert had the protected right against the government from stopping him from Tweeting tasteless "jokes"....and the government did nothing to infringe upon his rights. AFLAC had the right to fire his ass FOR ANY REASON, and they decided to act in this case! Gilbert Gottfried is little more than a talentless douchebag tool big loss! Heck, his whole schtick is the fact that he has any ugly face and an annoying voice!!! Yeah, that's talent!

REMEMBER....the Constitution applies to government action most of the time!!! We do not enjoy any universal right to free speech! Finally, in most cases and States, an employer can fire someone FOR ANY long as it's not illegal!

Finally, to anyone who is rational and who has any degree of humanity, those "jokes" were tasteless, ill-conceived, and not even remotely funny! Remember, were are all humans, and we share this tiny planet!
When one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history hits one of our neighbors...that should be a tme for caring....not a time to try to garner attention through Tweeting tasteless "jokes"!:2 cents:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I first learned about this guy on Steve Wilkos. I detest him :dunno:


Erika Red

Official Checked Star Member
But everyone has to remember Gottfried is NOT just a comedian, he was under contract as a spokes model for AFLAC. So he should have known better, while I personally like his offensive comedic routines, there is/was no current place for them at that moment nor with his position with AFLAC. He lost his Freedom of Speech to be insulting and offensive when he took that position.
I can not see where it will really hurt the guys pocket, hell if he is smart he will team up with Charlie Sheen and the can have a Winning Show! That I would love to see!
Yeah Gottfried probably should of not tweeted those so soon after this has all gone down but Aflac definatly should know that this is what he is like as a comedian. Just one of those things that was bound to happen!