(In response to the portion in bold)
Unfortunately, those people in that video do represent the republican base. Evidence of this is seen in the very tactics of nearly every republican campaign for political office. Just examine the major talking points of the McCain/Palin campaign. They are all meant to appeal to the middle American, white, racist, uneducated, christian fundamentalists who make up the majority of the republican constituency.
Now I'm not saying every republican is as ignorant and racist as the people in this video. But I am pointing out the fact that the republican party is basically split between the thinking, fiscal conservatives and the more moderate of the party who account for a small minority, and the religious right wing who make up the vast majority of the republican party and have, in effect, seceded from the union already and are trying to take the party with them.
The first sentence of that last paragraph is the ONLY thing close to informed that you have posted yet. I don't know ANY of the people like the LAST sentence in that paragraph and I live in the south.
Get your head out of the sand.