Getting to know the Republican base

(In response to the portion in bold)

Unfortunately, those people in that video do represent the republican base. Evidence of this is seen in the very tactics of nearly every republican campaign for political office. Just examine the major talking points of the McCain/Palin campaign. They are all meant to appeal to the middle American, white, racist, uneducated, christian fundamentalists who make up the majority of the republican constituency.

Now I'm not saying every republican is as ignorant and racist as the people in this video. But I am pointing out the fact that the republican party is basically split between the thinking, fiscal conservatives and the more moderate of the party who account for a small minority, and the religious right wing who make up the vast majority of the republican party and have, in effect, seceded from the union already and are trying to take the party with them.

The first sentence of that last paragraph is the ONLY thing close to informed that you have posted yet. I don't know ANY of the people like the LAST sentence in that paragraph and I live in the south.

Get your head out of the sand.
Why aren't professional, successful, self made, black American businessmen ever championed or showcased by the radical, agenda rich, black agitators within the American Society ?

Because successful, self made, black Americans are bad for the racketeering business. Racketeering is a very lucrative endeavor ! Don't for one minute think that these rad - o - orgs are looking for remedy, their cameras only point in the direction of chaos, much of which is staged, BTW.

Seriously, when have you ever seen a televised portrayal - profile of a successful, self made, black American outside of the loom of liberal socialist politics ?
You'd think that all Black Americans got the shaft, if you dwell on the incessantly biased bullshit that emanates from dumbed down TV.

How in the hell would you expect some elderly, Iowa / Ohio hicks to feel about blacks, given the way in which blacks are portrayed ON TELEVISION - disrespectful thugs, gangsta culture, black males' usage of women as a depository, violence in sports, murderers, crack dealers, A mayor that now resides in prison (Detroit), A congressman's wife (Conyers) who literally goes ballistic in front of her colleagues at a city council meeting (also Detroit), A crack smokin mayor ("Awashington" D.C.'s very own Marrion Berry) who goes to jail, looses his seat, only to become reelected back into the position of mayor. etc. etc.

These are the bums that represent "the greater", American African society ?
I don't think so, not hardly !
What's most ironic is - "They" just smear and discredit the likes of a fine American father and family man, a man who remains married to his first wife, Mr. Bill Cosby.
Bill Cosby's message is sorta . . get your shit together and take personal responsibility for yourselves ! (my fellow black American males) You have opportunities . . listen to me . . I'll show you how . . .!

The radical black fringe hates everything that Bill Cosby represents.
It just goes to show that there are, in fact, "two" black Americas.

Sad !

The mainstream media in this country can't give you the story of people like Walter Williams, Herman Kane, JC Watts or Clarence Thomas, if they do, the left will call them SELLOUTS, Uncle TOMS or some other slur intended to make them look like there is something wrong with THEM.

Pathetic, just make sure you keep listening to the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons and BARAK OBAMAS of the world tell you how you can't help yourself, the world owes you.
The republican ticket's fine-print: You dont have to know anything to vote republican. We hate change. Praise the lord and cast your ballot! (Btw it's not on paper, anymore. Click the button. Put your password in.. do you want a receipt with this transaction? English or that gawdamned mexican jibberish? Take your money and dont forget yer card! There ya go. Vote McPalin this year, fellers!)

The democratic ticket's fine-print: You'll have to endure criticism, attacks on your patriotism, explain why you arent christian, be called a baby killer and after you explain anything you're called an apologist. Welcome to our ticket, we're trying to kill off old America ASAP so we can actually get some shit DONE.

Conservatives are interested in making their OWN WAY and taking care of THEMSELVES and mindong their OWN business instead of taking others money, trying to destroy everything this country was built on and supporting terrorism and butchers masquerading as Dictators.

And by the way, Barak's ideas were tried 30 years ago with another bufoon named Jimmy Carter, it didn't work then and all you are gonna get is a Carbon copy this time around if people are stupid enough to elect this moron.

He has served 143 days in congress (You can't become a manager at a MCDONALDS in that time frame) and would NEVER be able to get a minimal security clearance because of terrorist ties ( Say what you want but Bil Ayers is a TERRORIST and BOMBED the Pentagon, and he and obama ARE friends, regardless of the excuses) and people are lining UP to elect this scumbag.

Pitiful that people can be that stupid.
First off, that's not the "Republican Base". Its a selection of rednecks. That would be the same as going to San Francisco and asking about McCain and getting the response that he's the "devil" etc et al. This is an example of the democrats being one sided, again.

Haven't you heard? As long as you AGREE with the lefties it's all good. But you best NOT reveal that you are the one whose name they do not speak. ( CONSERVATIVE!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: )

THEN no matter what you say do or believe you are just using "talking points" and you are a racist and you speak gibberish or whatever insult they can throw at you.

You have freedom of speech UNLESS you don't believe in the messiah barak hussein obama.

Let us NOT forget that the lefties are the ones pushing the "fairness doctrine" which basically will hobble conservative talk radio. NEVER MIND that EVERY news network is doing everything short of blowing obama to help him get elected, and Kieth Olberman may have crossed that line!

The ONLY way conservatives can get any real TRUTH in what's going on is through Conservative talk radio, but since it scares the SHIT out of lefties, they must stop it, so you know what they WANT you to know!

They are PERFECTLY free to start their OWN radio shows, OH WAIT!! THEY DID and it TANKED because NOBODY listened and NOBODY paid the bills.

These sorry shitheads need to read the constitution again.
I hadn't watched this till just now.The vid doesn't surprise me its not like most of us don't know such people I think or hear such things pretty often about Obama and the same kind of stuff about any race related thing.But its not tubuler who said these people are racists in the vid,its they themeselves who say it.He just posted a video it speaks for itself.Now I don't think this represents all republicans/conservatives especially to the degree of racism shown.But its not like these people are that unusual eithier.
And while such types of views are not excluisive to just republicans (there are some democrates who would not vote for a black as well) there is no denying that part of the republcian appeal especially since the 60s has been to gain support from whites on racial grounds playing on a backlash from the civil rights movement.Like LBJ said when in 65 "we(dems)have lost the south for 20 years',its been over 40 now actually.Again not all people who call themselves republicans are like this(some are fiscal conservatives I know and shudder at this social issues stuff) but there is also no denying that the people like the ones shown in this vid are part of the republican "base" of voters.As I have tried to engage others (republicans) here before on unsuccesfully I think that the republicans are in a real box with such people being part of their base.I can't see how they can "expand" their base which is vital if they are not going to be permanently a party out of power.It's been possible for the republicans to win elections with just getting a big enough majority of the white vote while losing usually by huge margins all the other groups but like it or not due to changing demographics that is getting more and more difficult.They have a "small tent" ,meaning limited appeal to anything but white voters.And having people in the base who talk about anyone non-white like these people in the vid do is not the way to be welcoming and expand and win elections.And I'm sure their are lots of republcians who would like to see such people as are shown in this vid marginalized and sent the signal that those kinds of views are not going to be tolerated within the republican tent.Unfortuanately I think they still are tolerated and played to by the republicans and Sarah Palin seems to be the latest rallying point for these people.If anybody needs to apologize for anything its the people in that vid and republicans who hear such things and do not stop it dead in its tracks, which I will actually give McCain credit for doing recently at one of his rallys when he told one of his supprters she was wrong ,that Obama was not an Arab(a dirty word now I guess btw) and that Obama was a decent family man who McCain just disagreed with.We need more of that out of the republicans.
What you have in that video is by far a SMALL group that these people from again, AlJazeeraEnglish chose to interview. they simply posted what they WANTED you to see.
These people are not the what the biggest part of the republican/conservative base, these people are racists, I never heard anything besides RACIST statements.

To say these few people are the "republican Base" is to make a HUGE broad stroke statement that all republicans believe the same as this small group of idiots.

In that respect I will not be placed in that group, NONE of the conservatives I know are like these people.

I have black, and Native American in my family by the way. My Ex Wife has or had a black uncle (by marriage) but they have since divorced.

Some of you don't know half as much as you THINK you do!!!!!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What you have in that video is by far a SMALL group that these people from again, AlJazeeraEnglish chose to interview. they simply posted what they WANTED you to see.
These people are not the what the biggest part of the republican/conservative base, these people are racists, I never heard anything besides RACIST statements.

To say these few people are the "republican Base" is to make a HUGE broad stroke statement that all republicans believe the same as this small group of idiots.

In that respect I will not be placed in that group, NONE of the conservatives I know are like these people.

I have black, and Native American in my family by the way. My Ex Wife has or had a black uncle (by marriage) but they have since divorced.

Some of you don't know half as much as you THINK you do!!!!!

Including you, so stop barking and over-reacting at a simple, innocent post.
Including you, so stop barking and over-reacting at a simple, innocent post.

Kinda ticks me off to be called a racist. That simple.

Then you have people making sure they chime in saying "Yep that is them, and that's the way they are" and it happens on a regular basis here.

Someone has to stand up when people take postshots like this. Do you not understand? That isn't right.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Kinda ticks me off to be called a racist. That simple.

Then you have people making sure they chime in saying "Yep that is them, and that's the way they are" and it happens on a regular basis here.

Someone has to stand up when people take postshots like this. Do you not understand? That isn't right.

Nobody called you a racist though. You just came to that conclusion on your own.


Closed Account
I hadn't watched this till just now.The vid doesn't surprise me its not like most of us don't know such people I think or hear such things pretty often about Obama and the same kind of stuff about any race related thing.But its not tubuler who said these people are racists in the vid,its they themeselves who say it.He just posted a video it speaks for itself.Now I don't think this represents all republicans/conservatives especially to the degree of racism shown.But its not like these people are that unusual eithier.
And while such types of views are not excluisive to just republicans (there are some democrates who would not vote for a black as well) there is no denying that part of the republcian appeal especially since the 60s has been to gain support from whites on racial grounds playing on a backlash from the civil rights movement.Like LBJ said when in 65 "we(dems)have lost the south for 20 years',its been over 40 now actually.Again not all people who call themselves republicans are like this(some are fiscal conservatives I know and shudder at this social issues stuff) but there is also no denying that the people like the ones shown in this vid are part of the republican "base" of voters.As I have tried to engage others (republicans) here before on unsuccesfully I think that the republicans are in a real box with such people being part of their base.I can't see how they can "expand" their base which is vital if they are not going to be permanently a party out of power.It's been possible for the republicans to win elections with just getting a big enough majority of the white vote while losing usually by huge margins all the other groups but like it or not due to changing demographics that is getting more and more difficult.They have a "small tent" ,meaning limited appeal to anything but white voters.And having people in the base who talk about anyone non-white like these people in the vid do is not the way to be welcoming and expand and win elections.And I'm sure their are lots of republcians who would like to see such people as are shown in this vid marginalized and sent the signal that those kinds of views are not going to be tolerated within the republican tent.Unfortuanately I think they still are tolerated and played to by the republicans and Sarah Palin seems to be the latest rallying point for these people.If anybody needs to apologize for anything its the people in that vid and republicans who hear such things and do not stop it dead in its tracks, which I will actually give McCain credit for doing recently at one of his rallys when he told one of his supprters she was wrong ,that Obama was not an Arab(a dirty word now I guess btw) and that Obama was a decent family man who McCain just disagreed with.We need more of that out of the republicans.

What certain people here are neglecting is that the Republican Party was CREATED as basically an anti slavery expansion Party ,but was not HIJACKED by these types of hicks you see in the video until 1964(Civil Rights/Voting Rights Acts).Even the voting (Gop voted 80%-29% FOR while the Dems,with much coercion, voted only 63%-37% FOR those acts) shows you that the GOP was a more open minded Modernist Party at one time. Blacks vote was up in the air between 1940-1960's & they even voted 40% FOR Nixon against Kennedy in the 1960 election, but when the GOP saw that it's appeal was slipping they reached out to those Southern Supremist/Segregationist & have won the South in every single election since '64 with few exceptions(Carter in '76 & Clinton won just a few Southern States as they came across as 'Good ol Boys')

Nixon/GOP employing the Southern Strategy to play on White Southerners racial/social fears & pandering to the Christian Conservative Right( in the 70's/ 80's) , the GOP has become this bitter,emotional,angry political juggernaut. While this country is becoming more progressive overall in it's world view they are fought tooth & nail by Republicans.

Republican intelligentsia in the mold of the late Barry Goldwater (who absolutely despised this new GOP that we see today) like,George Will, Chris Buckley,Schwarzenegger,etc... have to take a moral stand against this element of their Party. McCain tried ,but saw that he could not become President without the angry GOP base. If you don't believe they are 'bitter' or 'angry' just watch the video & read some of the posts here:eek:

Conservative papers like the LA times & Chicago Tribune(who have never endorsed Democrats in their history) have come out endorsed Obama & are embarrased about Palin & the direction their Party is going:glugglug: Many of the GOP elite like Chris Buckley,Peggy Noonan ,etc..have refused to support their ticket. Maybe even COLIN POWELL will come out on Meet the Press Sunday & endorse Obama!
People respect a modernist(social liberal/fiscal conservative) Republican like Schwarznegger, but this rabid anti immigration, anti abortion, racist element is turning many, inside & outside of the GOP, off.
Oh and GREAT source for that, AlJazeeraEnglish?!?!!?!!?!? WTF man???? HOW CAN ANYBODY give that ANY credibility what so ever?????????

Well, as you'll notice, there's very little actual reporting to the vid. That can be discarded if you like, but the bulk of the video is just Palin-McCain supporters (obviously) speaking their "minds." Yes, it's probably edited to show the worst ones, but still, isn't this an embarrassment?

Sometimes the dolts just speak for themselves.