Get ready for a Race War...


Lord Dipstick
Looks like that is what the media wants to start. Took them a month of thinking up lies to report on the Treyvon case.

Media foment a race war over Trayvon shooting. Article

Fellowship of the Minds?

Really Will?

You might as well quote a Backstreet Boys newsletter. :facepalm:

BTW, what exactly is a Joans Kitchen?


My Penis Is Dancing!
After reading this reply of yours, I owe you an apology. Sorry for saying you were 15 years old. I realize now you're 63. Now, go hug a tree so you'll feel better.

Which one in this group is you, Stan?

Awwww. That's cute. The little cunt thinks he can insult me! That is a nice try, cunt...but, alas, you have failed with this as you have failed with life.
Go ahead and keep trying. I am sure that, with enough time, the big boys will accept you.

As a cunt.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Doubt it if they are caught.

The police captured two suspects this morning. And it does seem like the shootings were race related - judging by the younger shooter's Facebook page.

Police: 2 suspects arrested in Oklahoma shootings

And what (sane) people need to remember is that the OP of this thread recently stated that he wanted to see a race war this summer, so that there would be less of a chance of Obama being reelected. I assume his reasoning was that "right thinking" White people would (finally) have to choose sides. And he figured that if they're fearful enough of the "wild, savage nigras", surely they'll come join him and his under the (burning) cross of truth & freedom. :rolleyes: That signaled, for me, the point at which I saw him as being against the Republic, and for any sort of anti-American behavior, as long as it enabled his party of choice (the tea bagger scum wing of the GOP) getting into power.

I am a republican (in the sense that I am FOR the republic). And I believe that any and all who would seek to destroy our republic should be arrested for sedition and/or treason, tried and hanged by the neck until dead! If that seems harsh to anyone reading this on Easter Sunday, I'm sorry. But that's how I feel now, and how I have always felt.

And Sammy, if you have any doubt that I would say that to your face... son, you don't know me very well at all. ;)
Typical response from the resident hippy. Seriously, you STILL use that word CUNT? How old are you anyway, 15? And just where in this thread did I say I was afraid of black people? I am afraid of no one.

Wouldn't you like to meet me so that you could call me that name to my face? I bet you wouldn't!

Cunt is one of the oldest curse words in history, didn't know that? what are you 15? :1orglaugh You are afraid of no one, thats why you have to threaten people while hiding behind a computer. And when you do get the guts to leave your house you have to carry a gun around because if you didn't you know someone would beat your pathetic cocky ass into the ground.

He might not, but I would. What would you do, shoot me?

Welcome to the empty sam threat club, its nice to have you apart of our wonderful community.