Germany is the best country in the known universe


it's true.

here are just a few things we invented:
* Airbag
* Aspirin
* Automobile
* Bacteriology
* Beer
* C-Leg
* Chipcard
* Computer
* Ecoflex Plastic
* Glider
* Gummi Bear
* Helicopter
* Jet Engine
* MP3 Format
* Nuclear Fission
* Nylon Plug
* Radio-controlled watch
* Record Player
* Scanner
* Small format camera
* Social Legislation
* Tape recorder
* Television
* The Pill
* Theory of Relativity
* Toothpaste
* Twin Elevator
* X-ray technology

the pill may be of special interest to users of this forum (as if you ever had sex with a girl, you damn internet freaks:)), but there's much more. we also invented every type of car engine currently in use (otto, diesel, and wankel), for example.

then there's goethe, beethoven, schiller, wittgenstein, kleist, marx, engels, von clausewitz, nietzsche...

3 world cups (54, 74, and 90), 3 european championships (72, 80, 96), continuing success in motorsports worldwide...

16-year olds are allowed their beer, and prostitution has been legal since the 1920's.

what's not to like? oh, yes, well, there were those 12 years of, uh, shall we say, uh, total crap. but on balance, i think we did pretty well.


Closed Account
Germany make the best cars in my opinion, so props where they're due!


Closed Account
ah, you mean the fat one. i was referring to the austrian corporal.

I don't think it's worth going into this territory, germany make good cars, well vw, and audi do! they've got some good beers, and a few pornstars so, I think they do ok, and I also hear the trains run on time!


Lord Dipstick
Being 1/2 German, I will humbly accept congratulations for manufacturing the best cars in the world (Mercedes, BMW, Audi, and VW) and the best beer in the world (Becks)! :hatsoff:
we also invented every type of car engine currently in use (otto, diesel, and wankel)

The whaaat kind of engine?!? :shocked: I could make a fortune refueling such engines! :rubbel: :D


Lord Dipstick


Closed Account
Being 1/2 German, I will humbly accept congratulations for manufacturing the best cars in the world (Mercedes, BMW, Audi, and VW) and the best beer in the world (Becks)! :hatsoff:

I can't agree on merc's and bmw', audi and vdub though definately!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Ok. Just for the record Germany did not invent beer. Perfected? Maybe.

Perfected beer? The Germans?

Sure, they drink alot, but that's because in the past 70 years they've had to deal with Nazis, Commies, and losing to Brazil in the World Cup. I can't blame them for drowning their sorrows in some brew.
I'll have to take the great Namreg or M12's word for it regarding German beer. In the states, Beck's is maybe one step above Bud :thefinger

I really can't complain about VW. I'm a big VW fan. I miss my Jetta :weeping:

A lot of Germany's greatness was 200 years ago to, say, 1950. What have you done for me lately, Germany?

I think Japan can lay claim to being the greatest industrial country in the World...fwiw


The One and Only Big Daddy
it's true.

here are just a few things we invented:
* Airbag
* Aspirin
* Automobile
* Bacteriology
* Beer
* C-Leg
* Chipcard
* Computer
* Ecoflex Plastic
* Glider
* Gummi Bear
* Helicopter
* Jet Engine
* MP3 Format
* Nuclear Fission
* Nylon Plug
* Radio-controlled watch
* Record Player
* Scanner
* Small format camera
* Social Legislation
* Tape recorder
* Television
* The Pill
* Theory of Relativity
* Toothpaste
* Twin Elevator
* X-ray technology

the pill may be of special interest to users of this forum (as if you ever had sex with a girl, you damn internet freaks:)), but there's much more. we also invented every type of car engine currently in use (otto, diesel, and wankel), for example.

then there's goethe, beethoven, schiller, wittgenstein, kleist, marx, engels, von clausewitz, nietzsche...

3 world cups (54, 74, and 90), 3 european championships (72, 80, 96), continuing success in motorsports worldwide...

16-year olds are allowed their beer, and prostitution has been legal since the 1920's.

what's not to like? oh, yes, well, there were those 12 years of, uh, shall we say, uh, total crap. but on balance, i think we did pretty well.

You had me at toothpaste and beer:thumbsup:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Germany also made/makes some damn fine firearms: Mauser, Luger, Walther, H&K, etc.

And I'm pretty sure that Michael Schumacher has "Made in Germany" stamped on the bottom of his left foot.


Torn & Frayed.
Question:If someone started a thread called "The United States of America is the best country in the known universe", how long would it take before it turned into an all out flame-war?