German Police get Bulletproof Bra

I would love to see DvC in a bullet proof push-up bra, yelling to an thief: "geef mijn fiets terug!";)

But seriously: I think it's great that police women can be protected as safe as their male-collegues.:thumbsup:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::scratches head::

It's.. functional. Yes it is.

I like the little 'polizei' printing at the bottom. It's cute. :rawr:
I like the little 'polizei' printing at the bottom. It's cute.

Less cute "Polizei":D:


Is somewhere outhere.
I think it would come in handy for my mate in Frankfurt.I don't know if
she'd find them too comfy though as well as wearing a bulletproof vest :)