Sometimes I seriously wonder if these conservative fruitloops actually sit around going, "Hmm, alright, what's the most utterly ridiculous and shocking political statement we could possibly make to draw attention and controversy to our party and piss off all those liberals out there."
Interesting thought. But judging by what I've learned over they ears about people who share this guys attitude, it is people like us, who watch/visit porn sites and such, who are vile sinners who are going to hell and in hell will burn and be poked with sharp objects for all eternity, while people like him will be up in heaven flapping their angelic wings and lying out beside the gigantic milkshake pool.
They truly believe that the US is a strictly christian nation and that should be the only relgion allowed and that the country should be ryun strictly by the "rules" laid down in the bible, ie: the ten Commandments, as well as having women be little more then baby making machines and cooks.