Gears of War

Gears of War got a rating of 9.6 on gamespot today . Looks like the game is really going to be the blockbuster for the xbox 360 . I can't wait to get it later today ( hopefully ) .
Just Got the game today and so far it's incredible ! The graphics are so good . The gameplay is really exciting , there is non-stop action . I played it on hardcore difficulty cause I don't want to finish it too soon . I think it's really the xbox 360 game of the year .
Another cool thing about the game is the possibility to play the single player campaign with someone on xbox live , it really helps you get through the game and you have someone to watch your back and pick you up when you are down .
Yea, my friend on my floor has a 360 already, so I'll just play it on his. That single player campaign is called "co-op" and it is very cool. They should definitely do that for more games.
anybody know who sings the song from the commercial?....and whats the name of the song....sounds like the group LIVE...not sure...any help would be appreciated

just found this out

The song used in the recently airing commercials is a cover version of "Mad World", performed by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews for the 2001 film Donnie Darko. The original was by Tears for Fears. Also available, the HD quality version of the ad.

Whole song
carnt wait
I just started a campaign on insane difficulty and so far it's really what it's advertised to be INSANE . The locusts are much more intelligent and resilient and they come at you much more aggressively .
I'll be getting this game pretty shortly. That, and CoD 3.. I'm getting too many games.. hard to beat a game 100% when you keep on buying more.. Oh well.
