I used to like both,but now I can't stand either.
Sasha is cute,but looks like she's always coked out.Plus,even though I like a woman to be loud and talk filthy,Sasha just won't shut the fuck up and it's a total distraction and after a few minutes into her scenes,just gets flat out annoying.
Gauge is a filthy little thing,but something about her just started to turn me off and I really don't know what it is.Maybe I just started not liking how tiny she is,idk?:dunno:
Anyway,both these girls bow down to Belladonna.I don't know if she was a "teen" porn star per se,but she's about as filthy as I've ever seen,short of the women in German shiza videos.
I also find that Hillary Scott just doesn't get nearly enough props for how filthy she is.And Kelly Wells should always be included in this conversation as well.
:2 cents: