Obama said in his campaign that he would get gas back to $2/gallon. Where the hell is this?
I'm not defending Obama. But he actually never said anything like that, according to an
investigation done by Politifact. Apparently the only candidate who spoke of a particular price point with regard to gasoline was Newt Gingrich, who claimed that he would get prices down to $2.50 or less. I'm not sure if that was before or after he talked about starting a colony on the moon.
Voters, and even citizens who don't vote, need to understand what Presidents can and cannot do, what they do and do not have control over. By various fiscal policies, Presidents may be able to
indirectly affect gasoline prices and interest rates. But the Executive Branch has no direct control over gasoline prices or interest rates. Even by releasing oil from the strategic oil reserve, that only affects the price of oil (and only then for a short time) - it does not directly affect the price of refined petroleum products like gasoline. Look at our friend Death-Proof. He lives in Alaska... sitting on a sea of oil, and yet he's paying higher prices for gasoline than any of us in the lower 48. We have a refining problem in this country. And the oil companies seem intent on keeping it that way.
I bring this up because there was a poster on FO's who tried to argue that Ronald Reagan raised interest rates to cure inflation back in the 80's. He might as well have given me the credit for raising interest rates and taming inflation... because I had as much to do with that as Reagan did. Paul Volker gets the credit (or the blame) for that. But no, from what's been found by pretty reliable sources, Obama hasn't made any sort of specific claims about gas prices. This was something that a Republican operative claimed that he said, that he apparently didn't say, and people then picked up on it, as if it were true.