Garofalo Complains: American Media Too Conservative, Walks Off Stage

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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

I never found her to be funny unless she has a script in front of her. Even when she does have one, though, she comes up with gems like "Wet Hot American Summer,"(which did have some brilliant moments when she was off screen) or "Mystery Men."

"The Ben Stiller Show" had some bits of genius to it but it was so short-lived that it really never had a chance to develop.

She was supposed to be headlining at a venue in the UK, received a less than enthusiastic response to her stand up act and walked off the stage. Here's one of my favorite comments on the piece.
She's achieved crazy cat lady status and nobody listens to crazy cat ladies.

Reading the comments at the bottom of the page was more entertaining than the actual article. Some were well thought out and astute while others were simply personal attacks targeting her appearance.

The aforementioned personal attacks had some wit to them.

Who's this garofalo person and why is her image not with a warning?

A child might be walking by my monitor at the wrong time! Gheesh!

This one made me scratch my head a little.
Can't you just picture Janeane post-show?:
"If you don't find my stuff funny you must be either a woman or a black man with Stockholm Syndrome. Also, all those people who didn't laugh were Tea Party racist Brits who hate a black man, anyway."
Wait, what?

There was even a nice little haiku by, let me get this name right, Obama_is_a_Nazi (doesn't really give you an opportunity to ponder his clarity of thought, or lack therein does it?). I don't think I'd read a post by someone this stupid ordinarily, but it's in haiku form and I'm a sucker for that.
The Skank Flop
In a Tank Top
Flaps Her Diseased Lips
East Wind Rain

I don't get this one (okay I got it. Not too thoughtful) but I found it kind of funny. Way to appeal to the LCD.

Dildo mechanic! I tell you all, she's a dildo mechanic!

While I disagree with the attacks on her appearance (I could care less) some of the remarks about her political leanings and her irrelevant status really were pretty interesting.
She was interviewed on the radio yesterday in the UK and came across as incredibly self-important and self-absorbed. In the interview she certainly didn't sparkle and I heard nothing that would suggest that £25 a ticket for her one woman show would be a good investment.

I'm not shocked to find out that she lasted 6 minutes (2 minutes of which were waiting for the emcee to come out of the crapper).

Speaking as an anti-war leftie, we don't need this kind of person on our side ;) blamed it one her ties to scientology. but like one of the comments stated...she has achieved crazy cat lady one listens to crazy cat ladies:clown::yesyes:
GAROFALO: The, mostly the media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary or editorializing

HA HA HA HA HA!!!! That's funny. I'm surprised that didn't get a big laugh.

I wonder when she's due to resume shooting her FOX show.

Her shit has never been funny. she has the whole 'Im funny in an ironic kind of way' and it makes me want to slap her parents for having sex on the night she was concieved. Never liked her


HAHA the American Media is THE MOST liberal biased out there. I can't believe she has the balls to say that it's conserative. If anything the ONLY conserative program would be FOX News. I really doubt that other country's people have changed their perception of Americans just because Obama is President.
Even though we may share the same political spectrum, I never liked her and I think she's full of it. Her deadpan humor may work at one time but now you can say her career's dead in the water.

Will E Worm

Garofalo Complains: American Media Too Conservative, Walks Off Stage


She does these stunts to stay in the limelight.

She knows nothing about politics and shouldn't be aloud on any more programs to discus the issues.

She called Hollywood a "boy's club" and said she wouldn't conform to get better roles or wear makeup and so on. She lied on all accounts.

Because that's what liars and hypocrites do. :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
She just another reason why I am pretty much a conservative and dislike the democratic party so much.
I mean if she and so many others like her are on that side, something must be wrong.
That's one of the most misleading headlines I've read recently. It implies that she said the first thing, and then "walked off the stage."

Bad journalism there.

She works (full or partime) for Air America, the only openly Liberal *major* news outlet in the U.S. The only openly Liberal news other than AA are a few mags like The Nation and some blogs. I would label the NYT centrist.

I can see how she might believe that CBS/NBC/ABC/FOX are all center-right to Far Right (FOX). :dunno:

According to the sourced article (and it may not be accurate) she felt she bombed her comedy routine and left the stage. So what. Most comics have off nights too....she wouldn't be the first to walk off the stage early...
Unfunny...but I'd fuck her. :dunno:
She talks about conservatives and too much conservatism in this country! Yet, she played on 24 this past season! Wow. She won't do anything for a buck. Nothing like a typical attention whore who gets up on stage and bashes the very country they live in.
She works (full or partime) for Air America, the only openly Liberal *major* news outlet in the U.S. The only openly Liberal news other than AA are a few mags like The Nation and some blogs. I would label the NYT centrist.
She quit that job a few years ago. She said she couldn't handle the grind of a 4 hour workday. Also...since Air America was only started to try and influence the 2004 election and failed miserably, there was no point to staying with them.

Now she gets paid by FOX, which is pretty funny in itself.



milf n' cookies
Who gives a rat shit what this bitch has to say anyways!