Well, here's my list:
Xbox 360:
Alan Wake- I got into it, got about halway through and something else grabbed my attention.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 I just need to finish the story mode, seems fun but once again, got sidetracked.
BioshockI go back to this every few months, play for a couple days and move on. great game though.
Bioshock 2I've barely started it...
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 I bought it because it looked/sounded hilarious, but I just haven't gotten far into it.
Dante's Inferno I picked it up for cheap a few weeks back, just haven't played much of it.
Dead Space
Dragon Age: Origins I should finish this, I'm about 90% through the game atm.
Fable 2 Had borrowed a friends, gotten fairly far, gave the game back and never played again...
Fallout 3I beat the xbox version and 3 of the DLC, but it started freezing when I'd play, so I recently started the GOTY edition on the pc.
FEARI just can't get into it, the controls bother me.
FEAR 2 I bought it as a package deal with the first FEAR, just haven't gotten into it yet.
Forza 2 I picked up Burnout Paradise and had more fun with that, so i never went back to this.
Forza 3Something is wrong with my disc and it's unplayable, so until I decide to buy another one it sits on the shelf.
GTA 4 I don't have time to play something this immersive, lol.
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey
Lost Planet 2I got sidetracked by something, I need to finish this someday.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance I was in asgard and my game crashed/wiped. I haven't had the heart to start again.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 I'm having issues with the giant man battle. =(
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2 I love both the ME's and don't want to finish them because I'm having so much fun with them. Sad, I know.
Mortal Kombat I recently replaced the controllers that went nuts after buying this, so maybe I will go ahead and finish it soon.
Naughty Bear I stopped because it was so glitchy when it first came out.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion I never wanted to start this but I found it for extremely cheap. I probably never will, seeing as how I just started the game.
Onechambara: Bikini Samurai Squad I played about half way through then put it down, just haven't gone back to it.
Project Gotham Racing 4Suffered the same fate as Forza 2...
Red Dead Redemption I just started this a day or so ago...
Red Faction : Guerilla I think I can blame WoW for why I never picked this back up...damn you Cataclysm! Lol
Rock band 3 I just need to do the endless setlist and playing for 6 hours straight hasn't appealed to me yet.
Saint's row 2Stuck at the last mission =(
Split/Second Just trying to finish up some of the car unlock tracks.
Tales of vesperiaI played for about 4 hours one day, had fun and got sidetracked...
Transformers: The war For Cybertron
Xcom (all) I loved it back in the day, never finished it. I just recently picked up the package on Steam though. =)
And original Xbox has way too many to safely mention, but most notably KOTOR, Black, Voodoo vince and so on, lol.