Games 4 cheap bastards

Any recommendations for great Xbox 360 or PS3 games under $30?

I'll start:

Mass Effect 1
Skate/Skate 2
Red Faction: Guerilla-awesome explosions/great multiplayer
Left 4 Dead-definitley not worth 60 bucks but now that its only $20 if ya got friends that have it GO BUY IT NOW!!!
Dead Space
Orange Box
Fable 2

All posts are appreciated.
Street Fighter IV is $25 used at Gamestop but you might as well spend the extra $15 and get Super Street Fighter IV in April.

I'll wager that by Holidays 2011 we'll see Super Street Fighter 4 Alpha HD Turbo haha
I got a $25 thing for BestBuy. I am planning getting Red Faction: GW with it :D
Test Drive Unlimited, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Need For Speed Undercover, Juiced 2 HIN, GTA San Andreas, etc. They're great games, car lovers should enjoy them! ;)
Test Drive Unlimited, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Need For Speed Undercover, Juiced 2 HIN, GTA San Andreas, etc. They're great games, car lovers should enjoy them! ;)

how is NFS undercover? I read bad reviews but some friends told me its good.