Game Chicks


Take a Hit, Spunker!
OK, let's try something new. Let's see who can get the hottest video game chick. I'll start. I'm a huge Metal Gear fan and i pick Sniper Wolf as the hottest


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Nice idea for a thread Violator97, i enjoyed Metal Gear, too.
This is Cate Archer from No one lives forever:


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must be some manga chick in japanese games.
girls from DEAD OR ALIVE
that girl from RIDGE RACER R4 and R5
FINAL FANTASY babes, street fighter babes
I've gotta go with Mai Shiranui, from Fatal Fury and the King of Fighters series, so hot, look at the bounciness. :nanner:


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Another, sorry so small, all i could find. :nanner:


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Take a Hit, Spunker!
I'll have a pic later, but Tina and Hitomi from DOAXBV, hot damn!!!!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I'll have a pic later, but Tina and Hitomi from DOAXBV, hot damn!!!!
Rakete said:
Nice idea for a thread Violator97, i enjoyed Metal Gear, too.
This is Cate Archer from No one lives forever:

I second that. Lara is ok, but she's getting overrated to me. And you can't forget those babes from DOA.

Chun Li:nanner:


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A cool artist's rendering of Lara Croft:nanner:


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Nude volleyball angers game makers

The makers of a video game which features cyber babes playing volleyball have been angered by attempts to remove the women's digital bikinis.

Japanese games developer Tecmo has warned of legal action against anyone who published information rendering the women in Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball completely nude during gameplay.

"We're watching you very closely! Please do not post things that infringe copyrights and other legal issues," said the firm on its official website.

This is not the first time that a video game featuring a cyber babe has been altered by game enthusiasts. Patches to remove the clothes of the most famous virtual heroine of all, Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider games, are widely available on the internet.

'Tracking a suspect'

Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball for Microsoft's Xbox console features characters from the cast of the Dead or Alive fighting game series.

The title features voluptuous heroines who preen, sun themselves and play volleyball in bathing suits on a tropical island.

Since it was released in the US and Japan in January, several so-called game patches have appeared on the net.

The computer code alters the textures used to build the bodies of the women in the game to make them appear completely unclothed.

Nude images of the women in the game have also been published on the internet.

The makers of the game, Tecmo, have taken a stern view on the issue.

In a message posted to Tecmo's official forums on the web, the games developer warned Xbox hackers to stop developing nude patches for Xtreme Beach Volleyball

"Please do not post anything about nude patches and other hacked information or you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law," it said.

The warning went on to say: "So far we're tracking one suspect, anybody care to be the second?"

This is the second time hackers have tried to remove the clothing of the cyber babes in the Dead or Alive games.

In September, Tecmo won a court case in Japan over computer code which allowed gamers to create a nude model in one of its titles.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/04/01 04:05:53 GMT

What a bunch of mamma's boys!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Thank you for that info man. IOU. But let's get one thing straight, and i'm talking to the pigs who are or will be monitoring this convo: this is and i am in no way saying these girls are nude, nor do i have or know of any hacks for the game, nor do i care to have any. This is just a forum to see which game chicks are hot. Nothing was said about nudity was it? Open your eyes pigs!!!!! I was thinking about buying Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden, but after that, i think i change my mind.
And if we're talking Soul Calibur, then it'd have to be Seung Mina!


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I would agree about any of the woman fighters from Dead or Alive. I will add Tina to the list, cause I love biker babes and she has big its. Ok but what cracks me up, is how can a video game character be overrated?
why not?

im in total agreence with the guy who said lara croft was overated....yeh yeh shes got a body but no definintion to her face whats so ever...might aswell have tried to reincarnate a maniquin

dam theres a film i aint seen in a long time......