funniest game glitches you've witnessed

With alot of old school gamers on here, there's gotta be some funny moments in game glitches, from atari to xbox360. Allow me to start....

Funniest one I've ever seen that still makes me laugh today is in NHL09. Sometimes if you score on your own net by accident, your player would be mixed in with 2 of the opponents players celebrating the goal.

Its funny cause it has happened in the NHL before but only a handful of times and was obviously an accident. To see your player celebrate after doing it is a chuckle cause its like he was in kahoots with the other team. Like a spy or a fucking rat.
Turok Evolution
I was messing around with all of the cheats, and had god mode and every weapon on the final boss battle. There was this pulse gun in the game that you could charge up that I was playing with. The boss was a guy on a t-rex with guns and shit, so he charged me like crazy. So me with god mode decide to get under him and pretty much reverse t-bag him while he tries to kill me.

I charge up the gun and let it fire and to my amazement the t-rex starts to rocket through the sky and clear over the mountains. The ending of the game played and started to play again over itself (it overlapped). I was laughing harder than I ever had at a video game.

I even bought the game again to try and do it again, but could never figure it out.
In Silent Hill 1, at the final boss, if you waste whatever remaining ammo you have, (just shoot it into the ground or whatever) the boss will die once you have no more ammo left, even if you don't hit them at all. I thought I was fucked when I ran out of ammo. Thank goodness for that glitch. haha.

If anybody played WoW, You Might remember the Corrupted Blood glitch. It was a virtual plague that was supposed to be exclusive to a certain area, but it got out and spread across all the servers and killed tonnes of players. It has even been compared to AIDS. lol. fuckin ridiculous.

Here's a link.

There was also the GoldenEye dancing glitch. This was pretty popular.

Yo' Steva the D, you're a big hockey fan, did you ever see that one in NHL09 when you score on your own goal? Being a fan of the sport helps alittle to appreciate how funny it is...

Another kinda funny glitch is when someone dies near a wall in Modernwarfare2, you walk by and see their leg sticking out right through the wall. Doesn't make up for the other 245 glitches that are annoying in that game, however.
i see some funny ones on MW2 all the time, where someone gets killed and fall of a ledge and they start 'spazing' out while hanging off the ledge. Also last night i was playing SND in Estate and someone got killed for the game winning killcam. The actual kill itself looked normal but when it was shown again on the replay, the dead body started to fly backwards and forwards on the ground lol :D

Usually i just laugh at stupid shit i see in a game, that childish stuff you shouldn't really laugh at but you do anyway.
Yo' Steva the D, you're a big hockey fan, did you ever see that one in NHL09 when you score on your own goal? Being a fan of the sport helps alittle to appreciate how funny it is...

Another kinda funny glitch is when someone dies near a wall in Modernwarfare2, you walk by and see their leg sticking out right through the wall. Doesn't make up for the other 245 glitches that are annoying in that game, however.

I've never had the NHL '09 glitch happen. But me and some friends are going to try it. I'll try and youtube it too.

Aha, don't even bring up MW2 glitches. That's a whole 'nother thread.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The best of them all is the W-Item trick :)
I've never had the NHL '09 glitch happen. But me and some friends are going to try it. I'll try and youtube it too.

Aha, don't even bring up MW2 glitches. That's a whole 'nother thread.

that would be awesome, I'd love to see that again. I don't think it matters but I did it on the 360 version. I had the ps3 one as well but can't remember if it ever happened on that one. I'm sure its the game and the console doesn't matter...
Fable II I always had my wives leave me unexpectedly despite keeping them happy. Things disappear. A lot of stuff happened in that game.
Hey Whimsy, I'm hearing a glitch in your phone tap here,lol. Better get it fixed before I plan something big.

The Microsoft sniper on the roof across the street from you is a certified phone tech, he will help you out. Just write a message and hold it up in the air.
The Microsoft sniper on the roof across the street from you is a certified phone tech, he will help you out. Just write a message and hold it up in the air.

Just let him know, don't shoot me till after I tell him whats wrong cause then he won't have any idea what to fix.....Ummm wait, but if I'm dead then there would be no need to fix it,right? However way you wanna do it is fine by me.
Just let him know, don't shoot me till after I tell him whats wrong cause then he won't have any idea what to fix.....Ummm wait, but if I'm dead then there would be no need to fix it,right? However way you wanna do it is fine by me.

Nah. Corporate clean up is messy. :tongue:
This ones pretty fucked up. On the "invasion" map in Modernwarfare 2, there's a redlight district with a porn video section. They haven't gotten the new Jenna Haze video in there yet and it was brought to my attention that the last game update would be bringing new porn releases into that videostore.

Well, its still all the videos that were in there when the game launched and no new releases. Sounds like a glitch in the updates to me...
I always remember a glitch in Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (multiplayer) that there were certain areas you could literally sink below the map and pick people off with sniper rifles from below. It was funny at first but once everyone figured it out, I hated the multiplayer.

FF7 also had a glitch, well I am still not sure if it wasn't intentional but here it is

It's called the W-Item glitch and basically with the W-Item materia equipped (obviously) you select a first item to use and then when you select your second one, when choosing who you want to obtain it, press cancel (X) and select (O) over and over and you'll notice the item increasing by one each time you do this


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
FF7 also had a glitch, well I am still not sure if it wasn't intentional but here it is

It's called the W-Item glitch and basically with the W-Item materia equipped (obviously) you select a first item to use and then when you select your second one, when choosing who you want to obtain it, press cancel (X) and select (O) over and over and you'll notice the item increasing by one each time you do this

As I mentioned earlier, best glitch ever :D