funniest city name you've ever heard?

Persepolis is relatively funny in finnish. Perse means ass and polis is almost the same as police in finnish.

And we have Homeperseensuo in Finland. Roughly it would translate to Mold-Ass-Swamp.

Hell in Norway is quite well known, but the Danish city "Bøgeballe" isn't half bad either. Roughly translated it means "gay balls".
These names makes me laugh a lot, pretty cool thread.. !
Walla Walla, Washington
Hell, California

(population four)


•"Nipinnawassee" Calif. near Yosemite.... native American of sort :dunno:

•"Rough and Ready" is a town somewhere - (already posted, I'm sure)

• Mexico Missouri


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Bucksnort, TN
Dumfries, VA
Muleshoe, TX
Sopchoppy, FL
Cut & Shoot, TX
Yeehaw Junction, FL

I've been to all of these towns.

I used to work about 5 miles away from Yeehaw. It has 2 gas stations and a subway sandwiches. :)