Fucking a blind woman

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Staff member
man you are crazy and you are bad minded:wtf::bs::throwup:

this post is offensive for me.

sorry i am just speaking my humble and honest opinion
georges said:
man you are crazy and you are bad minded:wtf::bs::throwup:

this post is offensive for me.

sorry i am just speaking my humble and honest opinion

what? something I said :confused:
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Staff member
sorry to react like that but being blind is not something funny at all. i consider it as unsane. i am not keen on that.being blind is like suffering from a disease and in veryday life for blind people it is not easy.

i apologize very sincerely for having reacted strongly krypto.i always say my opinion


georges:) ;)

p.s: to krypto better mind your own business .everybody remembers your distasteful thread you made some time ago knightrider so better do not start to stir up things and annoy me or lisa.hoping that i was more than enough clear.


crystal but i dont give a monkey ass about your opion georges . As for lisa im sorry for that i was wrong she isnt a biggot just a nice woman who spends to much time talking shite


I think knightrider got some bone about me fuck knows why as for the thread its pointless
Not to sound mean ,but it would probably turn me on, alot ,she would not complain about me not being a Brad pitt, Hummmm, now thats a tought, it's turning me on already.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
First off, watch it with the blind talk. My mom was blind before she died 3 years ago so I don't take very kindly to that kind of talk. My eyes aren't as good as they were when I was younger so I guess you can say I'm partly blind right now, but I still can see. As for fucking a pornstar that's blind, that's one of the most fucked up questions I've heard in a long time. As for my answer, I would not. I would feel guilty of taking advantage of her and I doubt either one of us would be able to do anything if you get my drift. Now what pisses me off equally to talking about blindness is talking about Lisa. Now I don't know what problems you have with her, maybe you don't now but I don't know, but if you have any problems with her, all I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK!!! Lisa is the last person you would have a problem with here. As far as I can remember she's never done anything to anyone here that warrants such disrespect. I'm not looking for a feud here, I'm just stating what's on my mind. If things are settled, fine. If not, and you want to keep on, all I'm saying is get ready for hell.
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