In no particular order, but the first one that comes to mind is Danica Patrick. The most overhyped, overrated auto racer of my lifetime. No one else who has won exactly ONE professional automobile race
in their entire lifetime would garner this much attention. I guess it's because I love auto racing so much that I despise her to the degree that I do. If she was a tennis player or something, I probably wouldn't give the big-headed, little twit a second thought.
In politics: Sarah Palin (bet ya didn't see that one coming! :wave2

, Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Jackson, Glen Beck, Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton.
Hollyweird/reality show types: Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, the Kardashian sisters (that whole family, really), all of the skanky, low class, leathery skinned, plastic surgery nightmares on those Real Housewives shows, Brad & Angelina, Jon & Kate, Octomom, Nancy Grace... probably a LOT more if I sat and thought about it.
Only after I see Carrie Prejean's
pink will I add her to the list.