Fuck Hunger Games, kids are now engaging in "Knockout Games"

Jackson and Sharpton won't involve themselves until retaliation occurs. That's where the money is at and the only color they care about is green.

A noose is better than a halo when dealing with vermin.

Will E Worm

I wouldn't put the blame on entertainment. If people are stupid enough to emulate what they see, they are not fit for society or survival.

The Hunger Games is nothing more than an elitist wet dream.

But the implication in Hunger Games is that the stupid masses are not as stupid and powerless as the elites think they are. That like the two main characters in the film, Katniss and Peeta, who possess things the Left loves to hate, like individualism and perseverance. That believe in hard work, loyalty and sacrifice. That love freedom, and have a love and pride of their community. That the implication is that these qualities will overcome the constant disgorgement of the elites at their media vomitoriums. That the 12 District’s inhabitants, and by extension, America, is tiring of being fed a steady diet of scraps at the pig’s trough. That unlike the Left’s view of a stupid mass of humanity, America hungers a government that does not lie to us, deceive us, control us, fence us in, and spend us into oblivion with their constant engorgement. This is the audience of Hunger Games, and this is the hunger of America, that goes back for second and third helpings.



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Of course it's not the fault of entertainment, much less the Hunger Games. It's the fault of a society that has become so numb to violence for A LOT of reasons. It's also the fault of a society that rather condemn "immoral" sexual behaviour and make sure everything is politically correct so as to not offend anyone vs. teaching their children that you don't beat the shit out of strangers for giggles.

Ever since the first video released on live leak with the kids killing the bum, this just has snowballed into a disturbing trend and NOBODY seems to care (obviously that's a tongue in cheek statement since people do care, just not enough).
If I see this happen I'm not gonna just stand there and watch, I'll step in and make it my business. These little punks nowadays sucker punch defense less people and run, thats bullshit! Better not happen around me....


Official Checked Star Member
Anyone who would blame the Hunger Games for this is an idiot. The whole damn series is about overthrowing the corrupt government that forces their children to partake in such brutality. it doesn't glorify it, it flat out says it's wrong. The whole second book is the former victors trying to find a way out by working together and the entire third book is them fighting a rebellion.

These kids are doing this because they've got issues with rage and probably a lack of parenting. I watched South park as a kid but you didn't see me running around and reenacting stuff from that.
Nobody blamed the Hunger Games, it was just a play on words. I don't blame a motion picture on their behavior no more than I blame heartless FreeOnes members for allowing people in North Korea to starve.
These kids are doing this because they've got issues with rage and probably a lack of parenting.

Also because they're cowards. They look for easy targets and still hit them from behind. The priority of concern should always be for the victim. We have cages for the other to rot in. At least there they can spend some quality time doing time with their loser fathers.
I like Jaana's logic, stating a personal opinion as a fact and using defensive argumentation to call anyone retard who disagrees. This sounds very close to behaviour practiced withn religions and what is used as a base defence mechanism against anything that tries to go against the unholy book; Anyone who goes against the bible, anyone who tries to deny bible, anyone who doesn't believe in god is doomed to burn in the eternal flames of hell. Or even better let's lynch anyone who disagrees and bomb then into pieces... This gets even more comedical after "because this didn't happen to me, then this could not happen to anyone else either" -logic. Are you saying that because noone punched you in the face so hard that you lost all your teeth when you were a kid, this cannot have ever happened to anyone else either?

Let's play a game with same rules that you used... I will start stating my personal opinion as a fact and use same biblical defence mechanism; "All people are morons (excluding me of course and those people I like and any other people who I decide that are not morons), anyone who disagrees with me is even bigger moron that all those other morons and will burn in hell forever." Hmmh... I'm starting to like this game, but only when I'm the referee to make rules. I don't really like to play this shitty game as a player thought...

Now, I will blame hunger games for all the bad that exists in this world and if I cannot accuse hunger games, then I will accuse the Bible and Christianity!! When kids watch hunger games, they do not understand politics, they only see dudes lynching each other with cool effects and explosions. Kids do not read that much books without pictures either so this would most likely refer to movies. Kids do not play politics, they play let's lynch someone, let's play gozilla and destroy that building (*shit someone is coming, RUN!!*), or whatever action part... Only girls play "let's play home, you are father, I'm mother, you are our son, now let's cook something..."...

Thought You Might have a hunch with problematic family part...
Does this game play out much in areas known to have many concealed carry permits? Easy to attack someone when you know there is no potential consequence.

Most of the media doesn't care anyway. They would wring their hands if the tables were turned and reinvent the story making the perpetrators appear to be the victims. The Joe McCarthys of today fling the race card. They have no shame.
Does this game play out much in areas known to have many concealed carry permits? Easy to attack someone when you know there is no potential consequence.

Most of the media doesn't care anyway. They would wring their hands if the tables were turned and reinvent the story making the perpetrators appear to be the victims. The Joe McCarthys of today fling the race card. They have no shame.
I don't know of any incidents in Texas. Here in Michigan we(I) have CCW permits and I know of 1 case that has happened in this state. If I ever fall victim they BETTER knock me out(and I have a steel jaw) or they will take 1 to the chest and 1 to the dome. Bet That!!
I don't know of any incidents in Texas. Here in Michigan we(I) have CCW permits and I know of 1 case that has happened in this state. If I ever fall victim they BETTER knock me out(and I have a steel jaw) or they will take 1 to the chest and 1 to the dome. Bet That!!

Cowards tend to avoid places where they know danger exists. Since a couple people have actually died carrying a gun is a rational solution. Don't allow yourself to become a victim.
