I had this situation once and it didn't end well. An ex and I tried this for awhile. Then I discovered she was also "seeing" someone else at the same time. Even though we weren't dating, there was still an emotional attachment regardless. I was pissed off. In fact, the last words I ever said to her were something along the lines of, "I hope you have a miserable life, bitch" - certainly not my proudest moment. I haven't seen her since...
You thought you had a "fuck buddy" but apparently you unknowingly had a limited liability b/f-g/f relationship. Two different things.
hmmmm...Thanks a lot for the advice bro...something that i should definitely take into consideration on my little side excursions, cause even though i am fucking my ex-s best friend i still value the friendship that i have w./ my Ex (P.S. It was a mutual break up which is why i still talk/am cool with my Ex)
Are you sure you want a "fuck buddy" or as stated above, a limited liability b/f-g/f relationship?
Like I said before, a "fuck buddy" relationship (or ANY relationship for that matter) isn't difficult at all if you understand, accept and live up to the terms of it.
You can't be doing stuff with them that fosters feelings that make you care about what they're doing....This is the harsh reality, you can't be hanging out on the phone getting into what they've been up to, hanging out at the movies and all that stuff...I mean, you can but it's just not conducive to a simple relationship based solely on fucking. In actuality, that's just a limited liability b/f-g/f relationship.
I had chicks that I just hooked up with for an occasional bite to eat and sex here and there but we weren't committed. Those weren't really fuck buddies we were just cheating on the people we were with. The first, official NSA relationship I had started off with me being single and meeting a chick at a dance club. We had a good time that night, went out to dinner a couple of times and eventually were having sex in about a week. I really liked her...One night she came over and after a second or two she obviously seem like she had something on her mind...I asked her what was wrong and she asks, can we talk? (Of course I'm thinking she's ready to come with the whole how do I feel about her, are we b/f & g/f mumbo jumbo chicks normally hit you with after awhile....I says to her, yeah..what's up?)
But she says to me in pretty frank terms, I like you allot but I get the feeling you're trying to steer this into a serious relationship. I was like this

on the outside but on the inside I was like

I was saying to myself, we have incredible sex, you're gorgeous with one of the best personalities I've ever met...DUH!!!
She goes on to say I just finished school and started this new job and I need to focus on that....it seems like you want a relationship and I just want the sex right now. In my mind my jaw hit the fucking floor...I literally couldn't believe what I was hearing...Even though it wasn't a rejection that was about as close to feeling rejected as I've ever felt.
I was pretty stunned (in fact for a few days I was) but I asked her so what's up now? She says, well I want to have sex with you but not a relationship...like an NSA. I had heard NSA before but that was the first time I ever heard a chick verbally say it. I agreed...we had sex that night....and from there...about a few days later after not speaking...she sent me a text asking what was I up to on Sat....I responded with, not much...what's up....She says...I need to feel you or something (or something like that) can I come over...I said hell yeah....and my first official NSA relationship was born.
We didn't spend time calling each other discussing our day or going out dinner or none of that stuff...the only quality time we spent was between the sheets and it worked out fine.
Point is as long as you're frank and up front about the terms and can honestly divorce yourself from their business...I don't see how you can screw it up.
It helped in that particular case that explained to me her circumstances and I could completely understand them.:2 cents: