That's all ya got? Random pics of ancient solitary incidents? Where are the photos of severed Viet Namese chidrens' arms after allowing US medics to inoculate the children? FOs doesn't have enough bandwidth to host all the thousands of pics showing Islamic human rights violations and oppression of women, Christians, and Jews in actual recent times. My Lai...really?
Where are the photos of hundreds of recent Muslim victims of random bombings, or pics of the constant honor killings in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, etc? Where are the pics from Beslan? We got the Boston marathon pics already. Are you making a point using only a small segment of events that don't support your argument at all, just 'cause you got nothing?
Where are the photos of hundreds of recent Muslim victims of random bombings, or pics of the constant honor killings in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, etc? Where are the pics from Beslan? We got the Boston marathon pics already. Are you making a point using only a small segment of events that don't support your argument at all, just 'cause you got nothing?