There is no clash at all, only the illusion of one being propagated for purely populist political ends.
The same should apply to every religion. Jews should be free to wear the yarmulke, Sikhs should be free to wear the turban, Rastafarians should be free to wear the tam, and Christians should be free to wear the crucifix.
None of these symbols is in contradiction with other rights given by the french constitution. So back to my argument about the clash of rights and the necessity to restrict some rights that infrige other rights.
The cultural and religious
meaning of the burka is problematic, whatever is your position regarding it. Reducing the debate around the burka on the
freedom of choice basis is an oversimplification of something blatantly a lot more complex.
If i see, one day, a huge manifestation organised by women to be allowed to wear the burka, i will change my mind.
Untill then, i will keep asking myself questions about woman wearing a symbol of their inferiority towards men in a society according equal rights to men and women...