I've always loved playing table top. I'm kind of out of the D&D stage (even though I do play in a weekly D&D game) since they came out with the latest edition, but I love non-d20 systems and indi game systems.
I don't know where you live, but you can usually find games through your local game shops or check out meetup.com for something going on local in your area. There's also some software you can buy called Fantasy Grounds that allows you to play in a somewhat traditional style online. The weekly game I run uses this product weekly then we get together 1x a month to play face to face since we just can't meet up during the week.
The great thing about Fantasy Grounds is the software is cheap and there's a great online community. There's a section on the FG board for people looking for games or DMs looking for players.
Sometimes DMs will run games for newbies or take on brand new players too.