First entry: 1920x1080 (HDTV 1080) "PG rated" ...
Okay, here's my first entry. Instead of just thinking computers, I decided to think of any display. So it's a
1920x1080 (1080 line) 16:9 aspect "high-definition" image so those of you with HDTV or Widescreen monitors can use it as a general background on anything that handles 1080 scanline (including 720p monitors that downscale).
"PG Rated" so you can display it in most places without issue (such as a HDTV, if you have the equipment like a Smart DVD Player, MediaPC, XBox 360, etc...). Plus I wanted to focus on the theme ...
FreeOnes Gear: Male Cardiac Protection From Extreme Curves.
Tomorrow I'll take each FreeOnes "subject" (Aziani, Moran, Moris and Westgate) and make them into their
own 1280x1024 4:3 aspect wallpaper. Those will be better for general computer monitors, as well as cropping/scaling to 1024x768, 800x600, etc...
Link to full scale (1920x1080, 585KB) wallpaper:
Attached 1/3rd scale (640x360, 95KB) sample ...