Freeones Television...

If FreeOnes was a television network, what shows would they air??? I have a few ideas for some titles.

FreeCenter: A daily update of all the happenings on FreeOnes

Everyone Loves SpexyAshleigh

Everyone Hates Ry

Late Night w/ PirateKing

The Real World: FreeOnes

Politically Incorrect w/ Greg Centauro

The Great Outdoors with Bear247


Mystery Science Roronoa3000

PlayWithAlisa's Playhouse

Icewater Jones: No Reservations

Alanna Thomas plus Eight

...any other ideas???
The "L" word starring Boothbab, her wife and LezFemmez.:o
damn good to see im so known around here i got my own show. can i have a cute ocsm be my side kick


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Freeones Presents: The Wonderful World of Whimsy

Meester Perfect's Cultural Awareness Hour (sadly it comes on at 4am on Sunday morning, and who the fuck is up that early)

Post Adventures with Assholebythedoor (because to make fucking heads or tails of what that guy is saying is a fucking adventure all in itself)

Henessy Night In Canada with STDiva and PlasmaTwat (a great show on hockey with two guys who like to drink)
Other featured programming:

Night Calls w/ Ember Reigns and Got Gisele

Iron ChefChiTown

Keeping Up with Kimora Klein

FreeOnes Soup hosted by BlueBalls

The Bachelorette feat. NikkiValentine

TitsRock of Love

Cheaters hosted by lurkingdirk

Viorotica's Fantasy Factory

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I think it would be Everyone Secretly Loves Ry But They Are Too Afraid to Admit It Lest They Be Stabbed in the Throat (ESLRBTATATAILTBSITT for short).
that is a nice thought and a nice thread. Well pornstars all day, if it would exist i think there would be a lot more wanking then normal :). good thought ! maybe one day it will exist.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The Henessey Primetime Variety Hour Featuring STDiva and Musical Guest Gunslingingbird