I know I am a complete idiot ...
I know I am a complete idiot on this board.
I'm biased towards believing the dynamics behind the men landing on the moon and the statics behind why the twin towers collapsed because of 5 years in an engineering college of lies.
I'm biased towards believing raising taxes doesn't increase revenue, that increasing expenditures cost more as a result of increased interest, that democracies naturally tend to vote for the self-serving and overwhelming majority of followers, at the expense of a much smaller set of self-made leaders, and there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, because I study really fucked up equations of systems and their interactions and see the obviousness of my false truth.
I'm biased towards believing that all women should be treated like ladies regardless of their professional, because I also stupidly think that adult forms of entertainment are no different than anything else -- consent is all that is required -- and anything other than consent is just another pyramid of excuses with the same deviations as anything else -- sex is just the avenue -- so I never telling anyone to do what they don't want to, and that's definitely fucked up, right?
And I'm definitely fucked up on loving only one woman, finding newness in an aging flame that I fool myself into thinking only grows stronger, looking at what I have and stupidly believing I am content, instead of wanting more, forgetting what I have and otherwise disregarding all the other options in women every other man says I should be considering because, as some have suggested, my wife must be weak and I enjoy her as prey, not a best friend and definitely not someone I'm really close and one with.
I am FreeOnes, pretty fucked up.