FreeOnes Panties (Pics)

If I wasn't already a member of freeones, I would sign up for freeones just cuz of this. And then subsequently post in this thread saying that I joined freeones cuz I saw freeones panties on a totally hot babe who was in the same bathroom as me.

ok, funny story.....

we were out with buzz and rachel tonight and i went to pee but didn't realize i was in the "mens" restroom until after i was done and came out of the stall to see two guys standing at the urinals. you know you had too much to drink when....

the good news is i was wearing my FreeOnes panties so now there are a few more members here!!!

the first pic is from earlier today while tweeting :nanner:

Chica lovely pics as always. Next thing I believe you do like those panties.... considering the wear on them. As for the lotion I be happy to help with that.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Damn that women don't wear panties on their feet. :D :o

This was just a lame way to say...uhm...I want new pics of your feeties! :shy: :lovecoupl

I will also put some lotion on them if you like! :D Plus a foot massage!! Deal? Please?
Screw lung damage, women who smoke are sexy as hell Chica.
I can see the headlines now..........

FreeOnes panties save a sexy intoxicated female from sexual assault in mens room

Once word gets out about their protective qualities....they'll fly off the shelves faster than you can stock them!!! :thumbsup:

Who knows how the Ben Roethisberger situation would've turned out if that chick had on the freeones panties...:dunno:
Smoking is a huge turnoff for me. It's a deal-breaker I can never get pass.

women smoke, its a fact of life. doesnt stop me from goin after em. and plenty of girls know that me smoking is a fact of life, doesnt stop em from comin after me. :nanner::nanner:
ok, funny story.....

we were out with buzz and rachel tonight and i went to pee but didn't realize i was in the "mens" restroom until after i was done and came out of the stall to see two guys standing at the urinals. you know you had too much to drink when....

the good news is i was wearing my FreeOnes panties so now there are a few more members here!!!

the first pic is from earlier today while tweeting :nanner: