FreeOnes or FreeBans?

Jon S.

There's an idea for the next contest. Guess who "Touch Wood" REALLY is...who they are better known as if you will.
Could this be lovecock under a different user :dunno:

Wasnt he the guy obssesd with bacon and poo? Not that there's anything wrong with a bacon obssesion.
dude, this is the chillest forum i've ever been on. you want intense? go onto
seriously, you have to be trying to get banned in order to even get a slap on the wrist here :D

Jon S.

Thanks jbs173_1972. I'm really depressed now!! .... :( :crying: :( ... that's the day after my birthday!! :eek:
Look on the bright you know that you can literally do anything you want on your birthday next year...because, face it, the next day it's REALLY not going to matter anyway! Go wild man...Go wild!!!