FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

Dr.Death made one of his most horrible creatures yet. He wanted it so people would never be able to get rid of it and they would have to deal with it forever. He based it off the most terrible, irritating, and obnoxious thing he could possibly think of. It was to be truly a menace to the world, his most horrible invention yet. Unfortunately the clones of his sisters-in-laws got out of control and now they are running amok.

AFA was planning on using a spaceship to go see another planet outside our solar system. He was taking donations of gas money from people here to help him make his journey. It didn’t go well as it was farther than he thought and he ran out of gas. To make the situation even more unbearable he had to start hitchhiking and ended up on a scientology spacecraft. The three months he had to listen to Tom Cruise while he sat next to him made him contemplate jumping out the air lock as a better option.

JCMSVOBODA and LadyLove both got into trouble when the world ran out of coffee for a few days. They forgot to stock up and began going through withdrawal symptoms. JCMSVOBODA sat in his room and had to think of Farrah to keep his mind off of it while LadyLove got irritated and couldn’t take it anymore. Luckily their morning coffee was delivered to them just in time.

Heartbroker won Signature of the Week. What people don’t know is that the ladies in it aren’t a double image but are in fact twins. Heartbroker had an animated image where they banged their booties together but he didn’t think we would be able to take that much display of booty at one time.

D-rock search for Jod continues. This time his search took him to Dr.Death’s Death Island. He had heard that Jod might have been lured her by one of the Doc’s Mariah cyborgs. He didn’t find any trace of Jod but he did find some terrible creature that was irritating and obnoxious beyond belief. Dr.Death had to hurry and warn D-rock to stay away from his in-laws. He got there just in time to save D-rock. On the down side the creature found the ship D-rock took to get there and used it to escape the island. Now they are both trying to find a way to contain the threat that is surly to come.
(I would like to just mention what this thread was originally designed for. Not what it seems to have become.

It was originally designed for us members to take the mickey out of each other in a friendly way. To try take out some of them tensions out of some of the arguements and debates. But it seems to have just become a stand up routine for D-rock and myself.

What I'm asking is this. There is many a funny member on here and I'm sure some of you could come up with some great little snippets. Now why not instead of insulting or moaning about a thread for it's title or content. Just make a fun and light hearted post here instead. It doesn't need to be a novel or even a short story. As long as it's done in fun and not in revenge or with a insulting intent.

So please can we have some more contributions from other quarters.)

I would love nothing better then to contribute..... Unfortunately I lack a vivid imagination. I do enjoy the little articles that you and D-rock (and others)come up with, So my contribution to this thread is to encourage you guys to keep pumping out the most exellent pisstake of us all!!!

Its alway a funny read.:thumbsup:
Dr.Death was offered a new job working in a meat packing plant. When they were testing him to see how his cutting skills were they were amazed. He was the best they have ever seen. When asked how he honed his skills Dr. Death just smiled and said it was his little secret as he winked at them.

Icerfan decided to continue in his theme of all things cold and chilly and buy his own ice cream truck to ride around the neighborhood during the summer. To help his cause hi enlisted the help of Nikkala to ride with him and help him out. This turned out to not be a very good plan because whenever he rode down the road and the ice cream music played a bunch of slobbering men would run out of their houses and rush to the truck pushing all the children out to their way. It sure brought in the cash though.

McRocket finally found true love when he meant the woman of his dreams. He told himself he was going to be pleasant and not be cynical ever again after that. Unfortunately he woke up a few minutes later. He decided to go to Freeones to relax but he was sort of a grumpy old man, which he hardly ever is.

LadyLove has been working hard and has been tired the past week. She decided to put a coffee pot in the Freeones lobby so she would have quicker access to it in order to stay energized on her stays here. When she finally got around to filling up her cup, it seems JCMSVOBDA had already beaten her to it and has drank it all.

AFA has been so good on bringing up current events on the board lately that his local news station had hired him to be one of their reporters. This didn’t work out too long as every time he was on he would always bring up stories about hot European babes and nothing else. The ratings were thought the roof but they had to let him go. Some people have speculated that he has a form of news dyslexia where he talks bout normal news on a porn board and hot babes on the regular news.

Jdb67 and Comanduc have decided to go to New Hampshire and try to help out Erica Campbell with some of the work on her farm with that damage that was done over the winter and her being busy and all. They thought they were doing a nice thing and thought Erica would be happy when she came back and saw what they had done. Unbeknown to them they had taken a wrong turn and were really cleaning a messy horse stall, which took hours and hours, of a place owned by and old woman. The woman did come out and give them each a quarter their work and for being, “Such nice young boys”.

D-rock has continued his search for Jod. He was back on the trail and it took him to a secret underground laboratory owed by Dr.Death. It was abandoned, so he was too late. He did find a few papers in the trash that seemed to imply Dr.Death had brainwashed and surgically alter somebody’s appearance to look like his own so the duplicate could stay at home and distracted his in-laws while he went out to work. That’s as far as D-rock got this week.


McRocket finally found true love when he meant the woman of his dreams. He told himself he was going to be pleasant and not be cynical ever again after that. Unfortunately he woke up a few minutes later. He decided to go to Freeones to relax but he was sort of a grumpy old man, which he hardly ever is.

Very good.

This is the first time I have seen this thread.


But I must object to anyone really liking this too much. I don't wish to offend anyone but...;)


Retired Moderator
Great stuff, as always :1orglaugh


Nikkala made me do it!
Icerfan decided to continue in his theme of all things cold and chilly and buy his own ice cream truck to ride around the neighborhood during the summer. To help his cause hi enlisted the help of Nikkala to ride with him and help him out. This turned out to not be a very good plan because whenever he rode down the road and the ice cream music played a bunch of slobbering men would run out of their houses and rush to the truck pushing all the children out to their way. It sure brought in the cash though.
LOVE IT!!! :rofl2:

Great stuff as always, D! :thumbsup:


Closed Account
I just found this great stuff keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
This week on FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

Cabey posed the question "who would be interested in a themed SOTW special every so often". With a fairly good response from the sig makers it might just get the go ahead. So will Cabey get his dream of setting his first dreamed theme of sigs of David Hasslehoff in a dress and Chuck Norris in a tutu.

ZoWhat did a study of things in porn to find 30 items to comment on. But what he failed to mention is that this was a actual physical study. But what he failed to mention on his results. Is that in the real world you end up in prison for approaching a stranger and within minutes of meeting her. If you have sex with her without even a introduction. Also without paying for it qith the lady of the night. The the next meeting you will have is with a woman in uniform and it's not a nurse So it was 3 weeks in the research, but 5 years before he got it to print.

Poggy upset a few members by stating that zombies are funny and not horror. The group are currently sending out there English based zombie army to get him. Their headquarters is three miles from where Poggy lives. So he should have time to watch the European Cup Final on Wednesday night before they reach him.

Minidog almost left the board sadly. But members seemed to be able to get her to stay. Now to celebrate they are going to chip together to send her on a nice luxury holiday with the board member of her choice. Minidog though is finding it hard to decide who to take with her. So is going to hold a board contest on the lines of blind date. Minidog will ask three questions and the member with the three answers she likes the best will win.

D-rock has had a major break through in his quest to find Jod. He found photo evidence of Jod, agggelos and Matute in a secret room in DrDeath's summer home. It showed the three of them with a mystery woman wearing a mask so not to be identified. But when he showed it to Aces&Jacks who had recently returned to the board after a break. He said it was no problem as he knew that body anywhere. But just as he was about to reveal who she was he just stopped dead. D-rock thought something bad had happened so went to check A&J still had a pulse. But all he found was a label and written on it was "DrDeath model #02536"
Recently Dr.Death’s artificial black hole started malfunctioning and he didn’t have a way to dispose of any evidence. This happened around the same time that he started his job at the meat cutting plant. Reports are he comes into work every day with several large bags in his hands. He just winks at everybody when he passes and since he is such a good worker and a nice guy nobody thinks twice about it. We are still working on how the doc found a way around his evidence disposal problem however.

LadyLove has been wondering about the lack of people in the post games section at times. To try and liven the place up she hatched a plan that would have her run naked throughout the place to get people to come in there. Unfortunately, nobody was there to get the message of the event so for the whole 30 minutes she ran around nobody saw her.

AFA has created a plan to save the world from its energy troubles. He has designed a mouse that will channel the energy from mouse clicks back into the electrical system. He has calculated that the mouse clicks used in the viewing of porn will save enough energy in a month to last the world the next 150 years.

Tunsty created his Kumbaya tape for LadyLove, but now that he has got her interested and begging for more he has upped his price. Now he is asking for three bags of potato chips, a pink pogo stick, and a lifetime subscription to Quilting Magazine. Negotiations are still pending.

Dave Rhino was Signature of the Week. He is planning to start doing more works of art to sell considering there are dumb people out there that will actually buy paintings for a lot of money that are done by animals. He got tired of the chimps and the elephant down the walkway from him cashing out while he had to sit in his stall all day and eat grass.

Georges made a deal with Chuck Norris this week to teach each other their moves. Chuck Norris wanted to learn Georges’ greed slap while Georges got to learn Chuck’s roundhouse kick. Now people need to look out because they are both stronger than before.

D-rock continues his search for Jod. There have been reports of a brainwashed person with amnesia walking around Mariah concerts, but when D-rock got there Jod had yet again disappeared one step before he arrived. Jod whereabouts are still unknown.
good post d-rock!

keep em coming!


Closed Account
Great read D-rock too funny. :D
Jdb67 and Comanduc have decided to go to New Hampshire and try to help out Erica Campbell with some of the work on her farm with that damage that was done over the winter and her being busy and all. They thought they were doing a nice thing and thought Erica would be happy when she came back and saw what they had done. Unbeknown to them they had taken a wrong turn and were really cleaning a messy horse stall, which took hours and hours, of a place owned by and old woman. The woman did come out and give them each a quarter their work and for being, “Such nice young boys”.

Its been a very long time since I was refered to as a "nice young boy".....:thumbsup:
Tunsty created his Kumbaya tape for LadyLove, but now that he has got her interested and begging for more he has upped his price. Now he is asking for three bags of potato chips, a pink pogo stick, and a lifetime subscription to Quilting Magazine. Negotiations are still pending.

Yup...there's much humping under the quilt.
Dr.Death finally got a day off. When asked what was the best part of his job, he said he learned some new ways of cutting meat. He now plans to introduce a ban saw as one of his surgical tools when he reopens his clinic up in the near future.

Poggy gave out only his second ever bad rep ever. We have investigated and found out the reason. It seems that somebody on the board told him that Lucy was, “just ok”.

AFA had a birthday and as a present other members of Freeones brought him over some six packs of beer. When he woke up the next morning he found all of them empty. Which was strange as the only other person in the house besides him that night was his dog.

Iamforever and some other smokers on the board went insane when they found out that all the tobacco in the world contracted a mysterious disease and would be extinct in the next few weeks. A group of people in Freeones gear was seen hijacking a large truck containing only cigarettes. It is still to be determined if the there is any relation of the two.

Maleonetwo was going to take a ride in his car to go see Monique while she was in the area at a show. It was hit by another car on the way. Not wanting to miss his chance to see her he had to go rent another car. Unfortunately, for him the only car the rental place had left was a 1971 AMC Gremlin that was half rusted, barely ran, and sat on the lot unused for the last 10 years. When he got there Monique was outside which he didn’t expect and she saw him in the car. He was so ashamed he bowed his head and just drove past the place.

We learned earlier this week that Christmas_Ape was abandoned by his father when he was young and has been searching for him every since. The people at Freeones Webcam Week decided to help him out and find him for Christmas_Ape. It took a little while but we managed to do it. It didn’t work out well though. He ended up not wanting to have anything to do with him. No matter how much Christmas_Ape cried and pleaded on the phone nothing he could do could make Viceroy_Fizzlebottom answer him.

LadyLove has instituted a new training regimen for all the men on the board. She now has us wearing high heels and dancing backwards just so we have to experience what it’s like in her shoes. When asked about it she said, “There coming along, but they’re not quite trained yet”.

Dave Rhino stated that he used to skateboard. When asked about how he fit on one he stated that he just stomped up and down on a car until it flattened out down to the wheels and then he road that around. He also said he had an advantage because it’s easier to balance on four enormous legs.