FreeOnes Members Webcam Week!

Very good D-rock! And my sides had just started to heal!
Dr. Death made a haunted house to compete in his towns haunted house contest that was going to be judged by the city council. He went all out, even going as far as pulling some strings and asking some of his horror friends to come over and man it to give it that more realistic appearance. He wasn’t surprised when he didn’t come in first place though. He lost out to some woman that is friends with one of the council members. It was the same person that won last year even though she only has a couple of lame bed sheets as ghost in her setup. The Doc said it’s all about the politics. The kids in the neighborhood agreed. The doc plans on going out with them to egg the woman’s house later. He has even saved a batch from last year that he has keep out in the sun all this time for just this occasion. People could hear the doc say, “I don’t know what’s wrong anymore. Nobody cares about the true spirit of Halloween like they used to”.

KungFuDude has made a resolution. He has stated that if any professional sports team from Chicago wins a championship this year he is going to treat himself to the trip to the bar to drink himself into a stupor. He also stated that if any of them fail to get there, yet again, he is going to console himself by going to the bar to drink himself into a stupor.

LadyLove won the Freeones costume contest at the Freeones costume party. She did it by coming in with her Elvira costume complete with near gossamer thin fabric that was borderline see-through and had a very long slit beginning at the neckline. Other people realized that they didn’t have a chance when she walked in. The reward for winning was that she could get to choose any member to be her slave for the day. This came at an advantageous time for her considering she is getting swamped at work. Reports the next day were that Tunsty was on a chain in her house. He had yet to do any of her work so it is still unclear exactly what she had him do for her.

ChefChiTown invited Senob and Becks over for his party to play video games and drink some beer. Senob thought he was going to play something like Madden or maybe Grand Theft Auto but it seems the only game ChefChiTown plays is Dance Dance Revolution. Not wanting to come all that way for nothing Senob shrugged and got down to challenging the Chef to some dancing duels. ChefChiTown had more experience, but Senob began to reach back to his break dancing days to even things out. Eventually drinking got involved and they keep going. That’s when Becks quit watching television and went out for a little shopping. She had a great time. It was rumored she pillaged the entire city of almost ever key chain available. She got back just in time. Both men had gone to far and were in a drunken haze. She noticed ChefChiTown was dressed up as Hanna Montana and Senob was dressed up as Chris Jericho and they were about to play spin the bottle with each other. Luckily she stepped in and put the boys to sleep.

********** said The Bourne Identity was one of the best action thrillers of all time.

Priya Rai was recently on the phone with Mindy Shine and later went to see Christmas_Ape. She heard that Christmas_Ape was giving away some of his “spicy sausage” and she had heard good things about it. When she got to Christmas_Ape he was stunned and excited and even more so when she winked at him and told him she wanted some of the spicy sausage pointing down in his direction. Unfortunately for him it appears that it wasn’t what he expected. She just wanted some of the tasty spicy sausage that was sitting next to the meat loaf because she heard how good it was from Mindy Shine.

Georges returned to the board after an absence. After investigation it seems he came back because he was suffering from big boobie withdrawal symptom. He was seen walking around and massaging a couple of balloons filled with water all day shortly before he came back.

Roald has decided to spice up Freeones a little to make things a little more interesting and to draw attention to the site. He is taking an example from reality television shows this time. Roald stated that he put inside a Freeones post a hidden immunity idol that the possessor can cash in to prevent one future banning. He also said he is considering a segment each week where somebody gets voted off the site, but he isn’t going to bring in any D list celebrities. He said that would just bee too corny and cheesy.


Nikkala made me do it!
Both men had gone to far and were in a drunken haze. She noticed ChefChiTown was dressed up as Hanna Montana and Senob was dressed up as Chris Jericho and they were about to play spin the bottle with each other. Luckily she stepped in and put the boys to sleep.
I soooooooo didn't need this image in my head! :rolleyes:

Top notch, D! :rofl:


Closed Account
Georges returned to the board after an absence. After investigation it seems he came back because he was suffering from big boobie withdrawal symptom. He was seen walking around and massaging a couple of balloons filled with water all day shortly before he came back.

:rofl: Priceless

LadyLove won the Freeones costume contest at the Freeones costume party. She did it by coming in with her Elvira costume complete with near gossamer thin fabric that was borderline see-through and had a very long slit beginning at the neckline. Other people realized that they didn’t have a chance when she walked in. The reward for winning was that she could get to choose any member to be her slave for the day. This came at an advantageous time for her considering she is getting swamped at work. Reports the next day were that Tunsty was on a chain in her house. He had yet to do any of her work so it is still unclear exactly what she had him do for her.

It will forever remain our secret too. May I also add for the curious among you he has not requested to be released. ;)

I dont even have a web cam so what the fuck am i doing here

An Elvira costume? Just use your imagination. I do :D

Good read D-Rock :1orglaugh :thumbsup:


Closed Account
Good as always D-rock :thumbsup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
D-rock boarded up his doors and windows earlier this week, for fear that Senob would be mad that his secret homo-erotic party adventures wtih ChefChiTown had finally been made public and retaliate with violence. When trying to reach D-rock for comment, we got no answer.

Luckily for D-rock, Senob had been kept quite busy all week. He spent 3 days in a row at the local mall searching for the perfect Christmas present for his fiance, Becks...poamr. Becks had been dropping hints to Senob for a while, but Senob was too hungover from his weekend sexcapade to even notice.

LadyLove decided to rummage through her old toys and pull out her Barbie collection, for old times sake. Lately, LadyLove has been itching to fulfill her fantasy of having sex with her clothes on. Hoping it would help ease her sexual tension, she dressed up Barbie and Ken in little outfits and made them hump eachother; very childishly as well. We're still waiting for the results.

Iamforever was spotted over the weekend at a local bar. He was seen with a scruffy, patchy beard, a raggedy Indians t-shirt and a pair of old jeans. It appeared as if he hadn't showered in days. Patrons at the bar said that you could hear muttered drunken mumbles of "Fuckin' Red Sox" as you passed by him.

A new law was passed this week which caused quite a stir with the FreeOne's community. This new law, "The World Wide Web Anti-Deception Clause", forbids any internet user from presenting themself in a manner which is misleading to the internet community. Internet users must now properly identify themselves, via screennames. No misleading or false information will be tolerated by local and state authorities. When hearing the news, Dave_Rhino became absolutely furious, as he is, in fact, not a rhino and would now have to legally change his name to Dave_Person to stay in accordance with the law. Others affected by this new law are TallCowboy, who is really a 5' 2" mechanic from Detroit and bigbadbrody, who is a practicing pacifist whose real name is Eric.


Closed Account
LOL, good work ChefChiTown, very funny post. :thumbsup:

I wish I did have my Barbies, my mommy gave them away when I became a teen. They would be so worth money now. :crying: leaves thread.

I dont even have a web cam so what the fuck am i doing here

Might be because it has nothing to do with webcams. A bit of a joke it's self. But if you read my opening post on the thread. It will explain the title and where the idea came from :thumbsup:

I'm trying to just put the finishing touches to a post. But time is a little against me at the moment. Might find some somewhere though as the clocks go back an hour tonight in the UK to GMT from BST.
Reports the next day were that Tunsty was on a chain in her house. He had yet to do any of her work so it is still unclear exactly what she had him do for her.

It will forever remain our secret too. May I also add for the curious among you he has not requested to be released. ;)


Damn right...

BTW - shouldn't I be getting fed once a day?..

Also, I'm too keen on the family of skunks that you left me for company...they almost smell as bad as me.
This week on FreeOnes Members Webcam Week....

Both Monkey_28 and Sputnikgirl started a "I'm Leaving" thread. Some think this is for the reasons they said. When actually FMWW have found out that it is actually for other reasons. Monkey_28 has been told he can no longer have time off from his PG Tips adverts to ogle naked ladies. Sputnikgirl has been told that the last year of her bands contract (Sigue Sigue Sputnik) has to be honoured. Playing in scout huts and village halls everywhere.

JCMSVOBODA and Icerfan won there t-shirts for hitting the 5,000 post mark. They will both proudly been seen wearing them together at work in Apu's Kwik e Mart.

Gabrio wants to know what the ideal website is. Well we at FMWW have done extensive research on this. The results was simple = plenty of gorgeous ladies and call it FreeOnes. So after giving him the results he went to do this. But got into trouble when it turned out there was already a site both like this and even called the same. So instead has decided to start a new football club called Manchester United.

KissTheSkull wants new suggestions on things to do in bed. What he forgot to mention is the things he'd already tried. Eating biscuits while watching TV. Smoking while with his girlfriend. Even a game of chase the pussy and then kicking out for the night when he catches it.

Free4440273 said this week that he would like Katie Melua to have bigger boobs. What he doesn't know is that as she tried to start her singing career Katie had a impressive 36DD pair of breasts on her small frame. The problem was she kept knocking the microphone stand over onto the crowd and getting sued. So had to have them reduce to pursue her musical career.

(Why does everyone think this would have anything to do with webcams. Haven't they seen the thread starters name on it?)


Nikkala made me do it!
JCMSVOBODA and Icerfan won there t-shirts for hitting the 5,000 post mark. They will both proudly been seen wearing them together at work in Apu's Kwik e Mart.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Great stuff poggy and Chef! :thumbsup:
She noticed ChefChiTown was dressed up as Hanna Montana and Senob was dressed up as Chris Jericho and they were about to play spin the bottle with each other. Luckily she stepped in and put the boys to sleep.
Roald stated that he put inside a Freeones post a hidden immunity idol that the possessor can cash in to prevent one future banning. celebrities. He said that would just bee too corny and cheesy.
Great Job D-rock! Loved it! (Now to find that idol!!)
D-rock boarded up his doors and windows earlier this week, for fear that Senob would be mad that his secret homo-erotic party adventures wtih ChefChiTown had finally been made public and retaliate with violence.
Chef, I wouldn't get mad at D-rock for publicizing our adventures. Going public is the only way to get that crazy Freeones orgy idea of ours going!
JCMSVOBODA and Icerfan won there t-shirts for hitting the 5,000 post mark. They will both proudly been seen wearing them together at work in Apu's Kwik e Mart.
Terrific as always Poggy!!!

Free4440273 said this week that he would like Katie Melua to have bigger boobs. What he doesn't know is that as she tried to start her singing career Katie had a impressive 36DD pair of breasts on her small frame. The problem was she kept knocking the microphone stand over onto the crowd and getting sued. So had to have them reduce to pursue her musical career.

Actually the way she reduced it, is only to be seen to believe. Its 'the after' photo. Thanks Poggy for the correct information. :thumbsup: