I have an iPhone and it's the biggest piece of garbage that I could ever hope to own. The Internet is slow and spotty at best and it drops calls like nobody's business. Last week, I had to take it into AT&T to have them completely reset the phone because it would not send messages, call out, or allow any Internet access. It would, however, let me
receive calls. A fuckin' fax machine can do that! If I didn't have a two year contract, I would have punted it into the river by now.

I would not recommend buying an iPhone unless you wish to be frustrated and angry.
But I digress. We don't need an IPhone app. I would much rather prefer to have a mobile version of the site instead. I was told they're working on that, and if that's the case, I'll be happy. I won't be able to use it very often mind you, but during the intermittent times when I have Internet access, I'll enjoy it.:thumbsup: