Senob and I get along rather well, especially when we put on wetsuits and give eachother double fisted, tag-team reacharounds in front of a large mirror. But, then again, who wouldn't?
No, but seriously, Senob and I get along really well. Also, Becks is pretty easy going and fun to talk to. It's funny, but the two people I get along with best here haven't been around in AGES. But, oh well.
I think I'd get along with pretty much everybody here. I know I come off as an opinionated asshole on the forum, but I'm one of those people that can get along with everybody. If I had to pick who I would get along with best though, I'd probably have to say Senob44, Becks...poamr, Torre82min, bodie54, shayd, D-rock, squallumz, darkwarrior3007, Legzman, PlasmaTwa2, Spleen, Galactic_22, Jagger69, Hedonis, jibbijib, mailman and a bunch of countless others that I could name.
FYI - If you don't see your name in this post, don't take offense. There are just faaaaar too many people that I could list and those were the people that popped into my mind (AKA - were on my friends list).