Freeones Fantasy Baseball League '07


Closed Account
Yahoo opened the league sign ups today. Since the great juballs is our commisioner, he will have to set up our league and give us the ID # and password. We will all then sign up with the registration info and set up a time/date for the live draft. If you can't make the live draft, you may pre-rank the players you would like to have, if they are available when it is your turn to select, then you get that particular player.

So, juballs, when do we sign up :D
If you need another person I guess I could join. But I am pretty busy so setting a time might be hard for me.
i will set up the league the end of feb. early march, i am currently on a business trip with the wife in British Columbia
no worries i havent forgotten, i will be setting up the league shortly with PM's given to all those who show intrest regarding league ID and password
okay guys i will personally be creating the league tonight and then we can talk about a possible date for a live draft
sending out PM's shortly... actually, i will just put the info in here... and then when you register, post on the wall to say your team name and who you are etc.

there is room for 20 teams, but whoever comes out comes out...

ID# 200910
Pass: jennajameson