"Freek-A-Leek" video girl

If any of you have seen the Petey Pablo 'Freek-A-Leek' video, then you probably know who I'm talking about. If you haven't, you can probably download it off of KaZaA or something. Anyway, she is the girl that is leaning against a car in the beginning and later on is dancing in a blue outfit. I've also read that she was in FHM in 2002 in the issue with Anna Kournikova (sp?) on the cover, in an article called "REALITY BITES!"
ya i know exactly who ur talkin about, who is that? shes hoooot. Gives halley barry a run for her money as far as hottest black chik goes, in my opinion.
wow! not even close! You need to see more black chicks! Mami is fine, but Halle status? Naaah, not really.
andre3000 said:
halle berry doesnt even look THAT good
I know the number of a GREAT optometrist. Lemme know if you need the number, the sooner, the better.
Halle Berry is a watered down version of "black beauty". We all humans, but in my opinion black women are sexier and more attractive. Halle is Americas new Dorthy Dandridge. They will never, or rarely acknowledge, a dark skinned woman. A body to die for. Only Americanized black women like Halle.

Esther Baxter. She is popular. She has a website of the same name. She is the woman in Freek A Leek.