Francine Dee


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Anyone know whatever happened to her? Does she still do modeling/porn, or retired or what?

instagram? twitter?
Francine Dee pretty much stopped nude modelling in 2011. Some references say in 2013. But in reality, it was 2011. Her websites, she had two, either ended (the "go-daddy" inspired domain -- aka "rev her engine" (here's a picture) -- expired or http 404 error-ed out (home page was removed) or some of her sets were acquired by Scotty Jx (of ActionGirls fame) - you have to look carefully over there in AG to find any of her sets. Navigation is very tough finding stuff. Plus Scotty Jx is not the best at categorizing stuff that he buys. At first, he was just using photosets/videos that he got "on loan" from other photographers. Some photo sets now do have the "actiongirls" logo on them. But for those, he continues to pay royalties to those photographers. It's easy for him just to acquire the photosets/videos on expiring websites or what he does best is create his own with his wife, Armie Flores aka Armie Field aka Goddess Armie)

Back to Francine Dee -- though she still does assignments for Toriano at

Here is her instagram: . She does put pictures up of her girlfriends. Just keep scrolling down until you find her as the busty Filipino-Chinese-American lady.
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Francine Dee pretty much stopped nude modelling in 2011. Some references say in 2013. But in reality, it was 2011. Her websites, she had two, either ended (the "go-daddy" inspired domain -- aka "rev her engine" (here's a picture) -- expired or http 404 error-ed out (home page was removed) or some of her sets were acquired by Scotty Jx (of ActionGirls fame) - you have to look carefully over there in AG to find any of her sets. Navigation is very tough finding stuff. Plus Scotty Jx is not the best at categorizing stuff that he buys. At first, he was just using photosets/videos that he got "on loan" from other photographers. Some photo sets now do have the "actiongirls" logo on them. But for those, he continues to pay royalties to those photographers. It's easy for him just to acquire the photosets/videos on expiring websites or what he does best is create his own with his wife, Armie Flores aka Armie Field aka Goddess Armie)

Back to Francine Dee -- though she still does assignments for Toriano at

Here is her instagram: . She does put pictures up of her girlfriends. Just keep scrolling down until you find her as the busty Filipino-Chinese-American lady.
You're right. Francine Dee has left the industry...