FOX news new show=Huckabee!!!!

For this faux news channel to call itself 'fair and balanced' is hypocrisy of the highest order. Its basically as you say Friday the Republican Channel. In the UK its the only American news station we get mainly becaue SKY is owned by Rupert Murdoch and when ever I watch it I cannot belive what I am watching. For a TV station to call itself news makes a mockery television news in general.
Huckabee is not a bad man from what I know of him.He seems much more moderate than most and a voice of reason.Even though he is a Republican,he could very well be on one of the democratic channels,err CNN,MSNBC,ABC,CBS,NBC.:)

I don't see those other channels hiring a bunch of former democrate politicians like Fox has hired republicans with Rove and now Huckabee.MSNBC with Olbermann and Matthews did lose credibility with being so pro Obama but the other networks I do not see at all the bag for dems.And none of them including MSNBC is anywhere near as in the bag as Fox is.


Closed Account
For this faux news channel to call itself 'fair and balanced' is hypocrisy of the highest order. Its basically as you say Friday the Republican Channel. In the UK its the only American news station we get mainly becaue SKY is owned by Rupert Murdoch and when ever I watch it I cannot belive what I am watching. For a TV station to call itself news makes a mockery television news in general.

For all the garbage I see & hear on that channel Brit Hume does 'seem' to be the only reasonable & fairly impartial jouralist that I have seen. Am I right?
For all the garbage I see & hear on that channel Brit Hume does 'seem' to be the only reasonable & fairly impartial jouralist that I have seen. Am I right?
You are right,Girk.Fox news is way to right wing for 23 hours of the day,but Brit Hume is OK.-That being said,I still think CNN,MSNBC,and the networks are slanted left.I am reminded of a conversation from the film "Fight Club" between Pitt and Norton.-"If you could fight anybody,who would you fight?"--I would answer Keith Olbermann & Wolf Blitzer.
Huckster doesn't bother me much. He shouldn't be as crazy and wacked out as Shammity, Oliver North, Dick Morris, Shep Smith et all on that channel.

MSNBC hired Joe Scarborough, a former FL Pub Congressman (1994-2000?). The channel is a Liberal Lean but hardly the mouthpiece for the Dems like Fox is for the Pubs...any network that loads up on Karl Rove, Olver North and sends Tony Snow to serve as Bush's Press Secretary is in fact....on the Republican payroll. Other than Alan Colmes and Mara Eliason, who else on Fox is even remotely center/left?

MSNBC even gave Alan Keyes a talk show for crissake! When Fox gives Ralph Nadar a talk show...maybe I'll be convinced that they try to give SOME time to center and left POVs...
not as bad as karl rove and newt gingrich on the o'reilly factor
It's a neo-con outfit. All you would ever have to do to point it out is ask O'Reilly who fills in for him when he's not on his show (Ingraham, Malkin, Kasich) . Still, the other channels are more liberal, so it doesn't bother me as much. I've been watching CNN a lot more lately. I give 'em props for Dobbs. :hatsoff:
It's a neo-con outfit. All you would ever have to do to point it out is ask O'Reilly who fills in for him when he's not on his show (Ingraham, Malkin, Kasich) . Still, the other channels are more liberal, so it doesn't bother me as much. I've been watching CNN a lot more lately. I give 'em props for Dobbs. :hatsoff:

I wouldn't call John Kasich a Neo-Con douchebag or a simple douchebag like I consider Orally, Ingraham, and certainly Michelle Malkin.

Maybe I haven't watched him enough on Fox lately but I thought he was one of the best Pubs around and a viable option for McCain. He's a composed fiscal conservative and not a screaming wacko nut...atleast so I thought:dunno:
Not as bad? you guys don't know much about Huckleberry if you think that. this guy is whack, that's why the media pushed him, cause they wanted the goofiest republican possible.
Wall Street Republicans hated Huckster because of his populist leanings...(remember the line he nailed Romney with: You look like the guy who comes in and lays workers off)

The goofiest Republican possible would've been Ron Paul or Fred Thompson I think....


milf n' cookies
Top asshole on t.v. has to go to Paul Begala on CNN. That guy is a real fucking dickhead!!! I can't believe CNN actually thinks this guy is a legitimate political correspondent. Yeah right, like he's not going to suck B.O. and Clinton's asshole any chance he gets. He'll always be on the Clinton payroll.

But that's the Clinton News Network for you!
The reason he nailed Romney is that he is anti-mormon. He spoke at a big meeting in salt lake city 10 years ago. Then he does an ad with a cross in the background, and doesn't admit it's a cross. The media never brought it up because they wanted this turkey. you notice Romney was the only guy he was attacking.
c'mon now, we did have the gorgeous Ms Hasselbeck on the show, so it wasn't all bad. :wave2:
Will there be a special guest spot where his son teaches folks how to torture and kill dogs?

Who's the substitute host if Huckabee gets raptured? :dunno:


If the Huckabee's suddenly disappear it'll be at the hands of a higher power all right; the ASPCA :thumbsup: