Do you look into everything you hear by fact checking? Do you look up everything you hear by whatever SOURCE you listen/watch?
Do you make sure what they say is accurate to the best of your knowledge?
What do you listen to?
Do you double check it all? Or do you listen wholeheartedly? Take without second glance?
How do you make sure what you know is what it is you truly do know?
Seriously. I mean it, ask Neal Boortz what it is by what he means when he says "he lies"
I explained it. Basically he is saying take some self responsibility and look it up yourself! That is that! Do not believe everything you hear or see!
What is wrong with that?
<chuckle> What would be the purpose of following news if I couldn't be reasonably sure of the facts they assert???
There is no scientific means testing I use for following up on stories unless I specifically want to reference more material on a subject.
Besides, who checks the sources you claim to be checking or confirming your news with??
FWIW....when someone tells you they "lie"...believe them.:o