Former wrestling chick Chyna to release another porn...

I don't think she turned it down, I think she was given the boot. She used to be involved with HHH, then a plot line put him, and Steph McMahon together, they ended up a couple, and someone had to wasn't going to be the bosses daughter, or boyfriend/champ.
She turned it down. This was around the time the WWF had absorbed NWA/WCW wrestling. Chyna was riding the fame of two Playboy layouts and probably a little cocky at the time. She turned down the WWf contract offer and they wished her well. She had no where to go and thus her descent began. A silly sextape with X-Pac, the Surreal Life, Dr. Drew's celebrity rehab show and like many this is her last option. It's porn or the McDonald's management training program! I'm not hating on her. I've always had a thing for Chyna. This just goes to show how pride and arrogance can accelerate one's fall from the top.:2 cents::frenchman
This was around the time the WWF had absorbed NWA/WCW wrestling.

:error: I know this isn't the time and the place, but when WWFE Inc bought out WcW in 2001, the company had nothing to do with the National Wrestling Alliance, and hadn't since 1993. Sorry, but my pedant alarm went off.

Please, revert to talking about Chyna's ropey porn career. I have no shame in admitting I jerked off quite merrily to her Playboy shoots. Well maybe a little shame. :box: