(Former) Racist Bully Decides It's Time to Apologize

Re: A lot of argumentative responses ...

It's not about seeking someone else for your forgiveness, or somehow trying to look like you've changed. It's about really changing. And it takes years, decades, sometimes a lifetime! That's the reality.

I don't believe in a god, or a fairy tale heaven. There is no after life for me.

But I know my past.
And I know what I've done.

It is a burden I shall bear till the end of my days.

The only way I can 'repent' today, is to treat people better than I did yesterday.

- R.
Good article, definitely worth the read:

You are right F_King. It's a good read. Boothbabe is right too. But I won't repeat his words.

It's the story of a man,
Elwin Hope Wilson leans back in his recliner, a sad, sickly man haunted by time.
That is the truth, a sad, sickly and haunted man's story. He was sick through out his life. He is now trying to recover from his sickness.

The question remains, is he really? If it is better, for whom? Himself? Trying to get on to the right side of God? Because all of a sudden the sporting man has faced the truth?
Sport was heckling the black protesters on Main Street as they solemnly held placards in front of the segregated stores. "Segregation, America's shame," the handwritten signs read. "No color line in Heaven."

Like his youth, he still is the most selfish man ever. His gesture is for his own benefit in his after-life.

And I can not be cruel enough to say, because of his cowardice, as he knows the youth has passed him by and he can not win against youth.

If he's sincere, he is absolved of his past

So if I beat someone up because he or she is different from me I just have to offer him or her my most sincere apologies afterwards and that's it? Well, isn't that a nice get out of jail fo free card.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I call BS. He's slowly dying and want's to be forgiven @ the last moment to get into heaven. Saying sorry doesn't make up for a lifetime of hatred and violence.

According to religious people...it does.

Even though it doesn't make up for what he did (in a realistic sense), he still honestly believes that it does. It's no different than how religious people believe that eating a cracker is eating the body of Christ. In reality, it's a cracker, but they believe it to be the body of Christ.

Also, most dying people start apologizing left and right for all of the bad things they've done. I don't see this case as being any different than every other time it's happened.

Better late the never,hopefully his new found publicity will help him to educate others about the dangers of blatant ignorance.I commend him for being so open about it, if he's truly sorry I hope this helps him with his family who had to deal with him for so long.

Hopefully that's what happens, but it probably won't. People who act with ignorance usually can't comprehend a message from a story like this.


The One and Only Big Daddy
According to religious people...it does.

Even though it doesn't make up for what he did (in a realistic sense), he still honestly believes that it does. It's no different than how religious people believe that eating a cracker is eating the body of Christ. In reality, it's a cracker, but they believe it to be the body of Christ.

Also, most dying people start apologizing left and right for all of the bad things they've done. I don't see this case as being any different than every other time it's happened.

Hopefully that's what happens, but it probably won't. People who act with ignorance usually can't comprehend a message from a story like this.

You make a good point Chef,you can only pray that this teaches other no to have so much hate for your fellow man or woman for that matter it is really sad that hate is taught.But like you said you can only hope.:2 cents:
I call BS. He's slowly dying and want's to be forgiven @ the last moment to get into heaven. Saying sorry doesn't make up for a lifetime of hatred and violence.

Agreed. Fuck him. Now at the end he sees the error of his ways? Suddenly he is not racist any longer? Bullshit.

Burn in hell you old fuck.
Agreed. Fuck him. Now at the end he sees the error of his ways? Suddenly he is not racist any longer? Bullshit.

Burn in hell you old fuck.

I think people can change, for sure.

When I was younger I was certainly more of a racist than I am now (I think it operates on a spectrum; it's not just a black/white, yes/no sort of thing).

Also, if little kids can learn to be racists (I've seen this happen over time with too many - meaning, more than one - kids), then why can't adults come to see the error in their ways?

He could be faking it for Jesus, but then maybe he could be sincere...



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think people can change, for sure.

When I was younger I was certainly more of a racist than I am now (I think it operates on a spectrum; it's not just a black/white, yes/no sort of thing).

Also, if little kids can learn to be racists (I've seen this happen over time with too many - meaning, more than one - kids), then why can't adults come to see the error in their ways?

He could be faking it for Jesus, but then maybe he could be sincere...


I agree.

It's funny that people attribute a change in character from child-to-adult as a part of growing up, but attribute a change in character from adult-to-adult as insincerity, as if they are faking it.

Does saying "I'm sorry" make up for what this man did? No, not even close. But, it does show the possibility that he truly and genuinely regrets his way of life and has seen that his former way of life wasn't a good one.

Also, he is 72 years old. I don't know how many people have actually paid attention to people of that age bracket, but a lot of them are racist. They were raised in an uncomfortable generation of racism and grew up being influenced by their racist parents. I hate to say this, but that's just how life was back in the day. Both my grandmother and grandfather were extremely racist. They were raised that way, so they acted that way. It wasn't until their later years (in their 70's-80's), when society began to change, making black people more acceptable in the eyes of whites, that they finally saw how wrong their racist points of view really were. I don't see this man as being any different.

:2 cents:
god i know this comment is gonna start some crap but maybe its just me maybe its just my part of the city in michigan but i see more blacks / african americans being racist to the whites and jews . then i see whites being racist . i dont get it i know our fore fathers were evil white men that abused and killed millons of black men and women . but we have since learn to love and share the world as one ( well most of us have ) .

but i see all the time the black people bitter and still very angry over it .

im native american i dont walk around pissed off cus you white people took my land

when well the world learn to start living as one to protect what we have before it is to late .

no matter what race color or creed everyone should to treated the same no matter what happen millons of years ago or not