Bush Cheney lied to the American people from day one. they created the veil of secrecy and the violations of the rights of Americans on so many levels. They signed laws that allowed companies to compile and sell data on every American to anyone with the money to pay, including the US government. They conned us into believing in the WMD bullshit and beat the Osama drum for 6 years then suddenly Bush said "He's not someone I think about" even though he looked right into the teleprompter and vowed his #1 goal as president was to bring him to justice.
He went to New Orleans after Katrina and vowed to rebuild the city and to this day more than 50% of the drinking water has yet to be established, the hospitals and schools remain boarded up and an entire square mile of housing projects that weren't even touched by the storm remain closed and fenced off to this day. I know because I just saw it with my own eyes.
So to believe this story is yet another Bush person coming out against him. If you have too many people saying you are a duck there's a pretty good chance there's a reason you need to believe them.
Nobody cares about New Orleans because so many blacks live there.
That's just the way it is.
So you never went into a bar, just looking for an ass to kick? I realize we are talking about a much more nefarious thing, and a thing that cost billions, and cost the lives of thousands...but an ass needed to be kicked. Me? I think we should have been carpet bombing the fuck out of Somalia, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia, long before we thought about anyone else...but lets face it, Jr. had to save face for daddy's fuck up...and he did fuck up. He should have let Schwarzkopf roll right over the fucking asshole in the first war...just like we should have let Patton roll over Stalin.
Ah... I see...
So because it's acceptable to roll into a bar looking for a fight, it's acceptable to do so in a country?
Yes, they should have taken Saddam out the first time. I suppose they were afraid of an insurgency, but still, either invade, airstrike, or do nothing, not invade and then run away.
Patton crush Stalin? Seriously? The German's could, according to one Sherman tanker "Put a shell in the front of a Sherman and it would come out the back", yet they feared the T34, stating "We had nothing comparable" and you think Patton could've run down Russia? U mad bro?
You know something? I know that conservatives are outnumbered on this board and someone that sides with the left will always get a pass but when I see people repping you for stupid shit like this when every post Sam Fisher made somebody was ready to pounce on him I just have to laugh. The war is over Bush is no longer President so get over it! Now the real question is since Obama was elected to fix all of Bush's fuckups, why hasn't he helped New Orleans 5 Years AFTER BUSH LEFT OFFICE?
Typical Conservative whining; "we're outnumbered!", "Liberals get a free pass!".
A: That's bullshit
B: Deal with it. You like to empthasise the success of strength, well man up and take it on the chin.
Because he's no better then any of the rest of the lying, self serving, thieving leeches. He could have fixed the patriot act, he could have pulled us out of the Middle East, he could have fixed the economy...instead he spent his first term shoving a fucked up health care system down our throats, and he'll spend the second term, defending it, going after guns, and telling everyone how great the Democratic candidate will be.
He could have pulled us out of the Middle East? Wait... Didn't you advocate attacking Syria, Yemen and more in an earlier post? Can you please make up your mind, or is something only acceptable when your favoured "side" (as though such distinction exists! :rofl: ) does it?
Yeah I asked the magic question didn't I? If somebody is going to start complaining about things way overdue for an American city, let's point the finger at the person that is in power and has been for the LAST 5 YEARS instead of the person no longer in power.
Oh please. You know, for all that the two conflicts cost america, it is right to blame Bush.
And yes, Obama should have rebuilt New Orleans. But Bush should have beat him to it.
In 2003 when I saw the troops rolling in on CNN, this is exactly what I thought we were doing. It is the moment I thought Bush went off the rails.
I have no problem with Toby Keith, but perhaps Bush (43) was listening a bit too much to him. "We'll put a boot in your ass, its the American way..."
It's the american way... Worked well in Vietnam, right? :rofl: