Foreign Countries Who Receive Welfare from U.S. Taxpayers

The US is kind of screwed when it comes to Israel. Say some of the middle Eastern countries decide to come to the "aid" of the Palestinians via force. You guys will be pretty much obligated to step in and defend Israel. It won't suprise me if this scenario will eventually be the start of the next major war.

Like someone here said, Israel is that kid of yours who refuses to move out of the house and join the real world. I could get why you'd give them money right after WW2 as they were just getting started up but now? There are far more needier nations then Israel when it comes to aid.

Will E Worm

Religion aside, "Anti-Semitism" was a dumb word to begin with and now it has no meaning.

First of all, Arabs are Semites. So "anti-Semitic" Saudi or Jordanian Muslims, for example, would refer to either anti-Jews or self-hating Arabs.

Second, you're exactly right. One's stance on Zionism has nothing to do with your view of Jews or Judaism. Last week, Ben Stein called Ron Paul's comments about pulling out of Afghanistan "anti-Semitic." It's just like the Lefty blanket racism charge put on Tea Party protesters or anonymous artist who pin up Obama/Joker posters.

When words lose meaning, articulating ideas becomes impossible and philosophy becomes irrelevant. That's where we're heading.


Aha! Now there's some good ol' fashion classic anti-semetic Jew hating bigotry...Will E., you never fail to entertain...


Others disagree with you Dilbert. :D