Accident? So, getting shitfaced all night and hopping behind the wheel of a motor vehicle in the early hours of the morning, driving over the speed limit is an accident? Where's the accountability? Maybe hitting the man with his car was an accident, but driving drunk can hardly be argued as such. Yeah, he was out partying all night and "accidentally" got behind the wheel of his Bentley, "accidently" turned it on, put it in drive and sped off. That sounds pretty believeable. Oh, but forgive me, he's never before "been negatively in the news," so we should cut him a break, right?
Stallworth served 24 days in jail... for killing a human being. Vick spent 21 months in a federal prison for facilitating some dog fights. Seems to be pretty disparate treatment for these two offenses to my mind. I'm not condoning dog fighting, in any way. But Vick was in federal prison for 26x longer than Stallworth, and Stallworth, again, killed someone. There should at least be more parity in sentencing. Stallworth served less than a month in jail, for killing someone! But again, it was his first manslaughter charge, so we should go light on him. Ridiculous.
And as far as Tiger is concerned, give me a break. I couldn't care less if he cheated on his wife with a million hookers and pornstars, and neither should anyone else (except, possibly his sponsors). He's not a reality star, he's an athlete. Whatever scummy things he chooses to do in his personal life are his own decision, and last I checked, cheating on your wife is not a criminal offense, and certainly comes nowhere close to killing a person or a dog for that matter.
And as far as you calling anyone who sees it this way "moronic," or "retarded:" if attaching more value to a man's life and his family's unjust suffering than to mistreating a few dogs and being maritally monagamous is retarded, then I guess you're right, I'm a retard.