for Kery windsor fans

Hi, I'm searching for years a video where Kery Windsor sticks her tongue into a brunette (I didn't recognized her) in the shower, but I have just a short, poor quality chunk of this video. The brunette is standing and trembling... it's a great scene. I tried in vain to dowload everything about Kery Windsor and searching keywords like "windsor AND shower"... I need help from a Keri Windsor expert!!

Could you help me ?


hi i'm a huge Keri Windsor fan and may be able to help but need more and contact details.



it's hard to tell from the screenshot as it's not very good quality. however IF you are right about the movie it comes from then i'm confident that her name is Deva Station. post the clip you have. it would make an Id much easier. also i know a few places that keri fans can get lots of movies, reviews and an interview of this very underrated porn star.
You're right: Keri is very underrated!!
The clip is linked at the bottom of the screenshot on the word "video chunk", it's an old, poor quality clip that I found long time ago, but it's all I have, take a look, maybe you'll recognize the entire video.


thanks for the clip, ravanator. i forgot to mention i know someone who claims they have seen every keri windsor lesbian movie. it might be helpful to get in touch and whilst you are there you can get your hands on lots of movies too.
i can't supply the info here so if you are interested please supply contact info. cheers.