This thread has some sexy female feet! Good job y'all! :thumbsup:
Does anybody have pictures of Black women barefoot?
One of my favourite parts of a woman, when they're painted hot pink and sexy just looking at her feet can get me hard... just the sound of high heels today in Barnes and Nobles, a hot tanned girl fully dressed but with black stilettos and bright pink toes and I was staring and getting hard and her bf noticed... she told him he could get as many magazines as he wanted and I smiled at her "permission" and she saw me smiling and started giggling and said "I didn't mean it like that" and then sat down next to me while he looked at magazines and just dangled her high heels right in front of me OH GOD


nice story. I like pink too but my favorite has got to be french pedicures. Raven Riley gots some nice feet.,0,0,0,