FLU 19 Provides Media and Politicians Ground Cover for Destroying Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

With every tragedy that befalls mankind few political leaders can resist the temptation to enhance the powers of the security state while attacking civil liberties. The response to the coronavirus pandemic has proven to be no exception.

Many people are asking, as the Covid lockdown keeps many businesses shuttered: will the economy ever be the same again? No small consideration considering the arbitrary nature of the lockdown, which seems to focus its wrath on small businesses while allowing the major corporations to survive. But there are other serious considerations, like how the media and politicians will hide behind political correctness and virtue signaling to conceal their ulterior motives.

One story that nicely encapsulates that agenda is by the BBC, which carried the totally objective headline: ‘Coronavirus: Arrests over ‘disgusting’ racist Covid-19 stickers.’ It is a very simple story that speaks volumes about where we are heading as a civilization. Plot spoiler: to hell in a handbag.

The brief article tells the story of two young men, identities unknown, who were arrested for applying stickers in public places. But not just any old stickers. These ones carried the phrases, ‘Open border, virus disorder,’ and ‘Pubs closed, borders open.’ The accused, however, said to be connected to a “far-right” group, were not charged with the relatively minor offense of defacing public property, but rather on “suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences,” whatever those may happen to be.

The message is clear: any suggestion that open borders may not be the best idea, even at the peak of a global pandemic, is the wild ranting of a foaming-at-the-mouth xenophobe, as opposed to maybe just a germophobe, and should be immediately vilified and rejected out of hand. In other words, yet more identity politics, enshrined in Cultural Marxist ideology, sets the agenda.

Indeed, the severe brevity of the article made it look more like a cheap communist propaganda poster than any work of journalism. The reader is treated to a quote from one Alex Gwynne, who seems to be resident, but that is never disclosed: “Using this pandemic to spread racism and hatred is unacceptable.” Thank you, Alex.



Hiliary 2020
Flu-19 , somehow sounds less imposing, less frightening, less intimidating, less startling, less alarming, less terrifying, less threatening.
I think I'll take off my mask today , just for a few minutes.
One thing is absolutely for sure: both the failed dem candidate from the last election, and the failed dem candidate of this next election say publicly that they wish to exploit the pandemic in order to bloat an already bloated, broken, and corrupt scheme of insurance company graft known as Oborti- I mean, Obamacare.

Hillary Clinton on Coronavirus and Universal Health Care: 'This Would Be a Terrible Crisis to Waste'

Biden: Coronavirus Is an 'Opportunity' for 'Institutional Change'
Trump on Covid19 Crisis : "This is an opportunity for me to stay in office a little longer"

That souldn't even be a question, Trump shouldn't even consider delaying the election, the same way I wouldn't even consider sucking your dick.

But we all know what are his motives when he asks that question : he wants to see how people reacts to that, he wants to know, how many people, other than the 30-35% who agree withn everything he says or do, would approve that.

He knows he's very likely to lose that election so he's looking for an alternative. He tested the water about delaying the election, didn't like the results so he's gonna look for something else. Maybe martial law, maybe emergency powers, maybe something else... Until he finds a way to extend his mandate, to delay its term he's gonna keep looking for one.
That souldn't even be a question, Trump shouldn't even consider delaying the election, the same way I wouldn't even consider sucking your dick.
You say that now, but...

I did change my mind, many times, on many issues.
He's going to trap stupid idiot moron liberals with their own crybaby tantrumming:

"Oh, no, evil white men are stopping us from registering illegal immigrants to vote for dems who will then give them American citizen benefits, whatever shall we do?!?! We need more time! Those oppressed black criminals need to have their voting rights restored, and we need to get them stoned so they'll vote democrat, but President Trump has unleashed corona to keep them away from the polls!"

Idiot moron liberals would be screeching for election delay if they weren't screeching against it. Simple idiots, easy to trap.

Now, when Biden's corruption is exposed in October, they won't be able to screech for an election delay. You just got Trumpfucked, tell your lib-ninny friends! 😽
Biden might be corrupt but 150,000+ (and counting) US citizens didn't lost their lives under his watch

150,000 + dead US citizens. no corruption scandal could ever beat that. In 2007, Republicans got trounced because of the disastrous Iraq War that had claimed the lives of 4,500 US citizens, even thought it wasn't Georges W. Bush on the ballot, even tought the Republican candidate was a highly respected war veteran and hero like John McCain
Trump's disastrous Covid19 response got 150,000 US citizens killed (and counting by November we might be at 250,000, possibly even more). That's 30x more than the Iraq War, 3x more than the Viet-Nam War.
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Biden might be corrupt but 150,000+ (and counting) US citizens didn't lost their lives under his watch

150,000 + dead US citizens. no corruption scandal could ever beat that. In 2007, Republicans got trounced because of the disastrous Iraq War that had claimed the lives of 4,500 US citizens, even thought it wasn't Georges W. Bush on the ballot, even tought the Republican candidate was a highly respected war veteran and hero like John McCain
Trump's disastrous Covid19 response got 150,000 US citizens killed (and counting by November we might be at 250,000, possibly even more). That's 30x more than the Iaq War, 3x more than the Viet-Nam War.
How is it that you can be so hilariously poorly informed on US politics and history, yet you can't stop the word vomit of error-filled lies concerning these topics from just pouring out of you. Are you so oblivious? Were you deported? Denied citizenship? Why do you hate the US so much? Everyone can see it. Unhappy at home, spud?


Closed Account
Biden might be corrupt but 150,000+ (and counting) US citizens didn't lost their lives under his watch
Actually, a shitload of the lives lost to Covid-19 were due to Pelosi and the rest of the Dragtheirfeetocrats dragging their feet when they were too busy shoehorning pet projects into the 1st Coronavirus Bill Package.

AND a shitload U. S. citizens' lives were lost to H1N1 under Biden's watch ... while ZERO were lost because of Trump.
See how that works?

Or are we to believe that if Biden were President right now ... ZERO U. S. citizens' lives would have been lost to Covid-19?
The administration during H1N1 took advice from the CDC and Fauci and other experts in determining their response. They even pre-emptively suggested closing schools if transmission became an issue there. Compared to the rest of the world, the US did a pretty reasonable job with H1N1, wasn't even in the top 10 countries for cases and deaths per capita. At the time, Obama made and repeated the statement that everything the government did would be guided by the recommendations of medical and scientific experts.

Can't say any of that about covid response, where the USA is objectively the worst performing country in the world at containing the virus, and is top of the chart in cases and deaths, and has the 7th worst mortality rate in the world. World class experts are being ignored, ridiculed, and slandered, while the president talks about injecting disinfectant, pushes drugs that don't work, and quotes doctors who believe alien dna is used in modern medicines and that women are having sex with demons in their sleep.

See how that works?


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Whilst I'm sure it wasn't the OP's intention, this thread has slipped into being another Trump thread. Steer the chat away from Trump and keep it in the, like, million threads dedicated to the current president of the United States of America or this thread will be locked.
Whilst I'm sure it wasn't the OP's intention, this thread has slipped into being another Trump thread. Steer the chat away from Trump and keep it in the, like, million threads dedicated to the current president of the United States of America or this thread will be locked.

Conversations are organic dude. If you're going to try to control where it can and cannot go, what's the point of even having one?
Or are we to believe that if Biden were President right now ... ZERO U. S. citizens' lives would have been lost to Covid-19?
You can see how things are in the EU : apart from Spain and the UK (which is governed by a populist like Trump who, like Trump, downplayed the pandemic and make all the wrong choices... until he got infected) : the pandemic is, more or less, under control all across Europe. Leaders you despise so miuch such as Macron or Merkel all took the right measures to slow down the pandemic and lifted them only when it appeared that the peak was passed and the country had reached a point where hospitals had the capacity to treat every new cases. And so has Canada.
On the other side, in Brazil and the US both Bolsonaro and Trump downplayed the pandemic, refused to take the necessary measures, refused to wear mask in public... and the result is that, in both countries, the pandemic is on the rise.

I'm pretty Biden would have implemented the same measures that were took in the EU or in Canada, so yes, he would do better. I would say nearly 50,000 casualties.
democrats are ALWAYS seeking to enlarge government, so stuff like covid is a gift to them: like Nancy Grace having an orgasm when a child disappears.

The two current, foremost (err) dems CLEARLY say that covid is their opportunity to grab appropriation to bloat Obamacare.

That's how you stay on topic, dum-dums (I didn't even mention their crush!).
The two current, foremost (err) dems CLEARLY say that covid is their opportunity to grab appropriation to bloat Obamacare.

I guess you can back that claim with some articles, twitter posts, youtube videos of any of them actually saying so, etc., righ ?

Anyway, as a matter of fact, Trump has trashed two things that would have helped American a lot facing that crisis : ObamaCare and the pandemic "playbook" : https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6819268/Pandemic-Playbook.pdf
Trump : I hope Biden gets Covidf19 and die from it. Painfully

See, I can do that to. Now, I asked for proofs


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Conversations are organic dude. If you're going to try to control where it can and cannot go, what's the point of even having one?

Because this board has more Trump threads than is entirely necessary. We don't need another one. Unless it's about his critically acclaimed appearance in Home Alone 2.