

Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
why do a lot of male pornstars not seem to be very 'hard' when they've got an errection? mines like a steel pipe

Sooo.. you wouldnt mind if we tested the steely qualities of your cock by bending iron bars and breaking wooden planks with it, wouldja?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Youth, maybe?
Amount of usage, maybe?

Hell, I don't know ... I don't particularly care, either. My dick is my dick; be it soft and flaccid or hard as a rock. I don't compare my dick size or rigidity to some other's guy's dick size or rigidity. I'm content and happy with what I have; it has served me well for 37 years now.

@ Chef and Fox ...

Thank you for making me think of the Marine Corp's old 90's commercial in which the blacksmith is forging the Mamaluke sword.

OOH-RAH ... I think. :confused: :eek: Meh ... not so much. LOL.

Jesus, what a damned image to take from this thread. LMGDFAO :rolleyes: :D :rofl:
didn't know they stacked shit that high..
On a serious note, if you eat or take something that can potentially change the way your blood circulates that can have an effect on how hard an erection is. A lot of it is probably genetic also.