does anyone have any information on any of the women that were or are on the VH1 show "flavor of love"? i'm really looking for info on this seasons girls, but if you got something about last seasons girls that'll be great also.
i hope i'm not breaking any rules!
with so many links, i think we should be allowed to give more than 5 in one post, the most should be ten...shouldn't it?
is there a limit to how many posts one person can do in a row?
if there is i won't know until after this post...and if there is i truly apologize to all at freeones...i didn't know.
Great pics FCCA.
nibblz body is up to par in those pics but her face isn't there yet cause she looks like 10x better on the show then she does in the pics.
i thought i had all her pics, but i guess i didn't. thanks for those three...she does have it going on!
i got more pics of the flavor girls and i'll post them as soon as i can find them. they're some fine specimens but they're not the only ones. so many women, not enough time!