FL Police: 16-Year-Old Black Man Murdered 22-Year-Old White Man Because He Had a Bad Day

Quite sick how whoever wrote that article has tried turning this horrific crime into a race motivated one.

As for the death penalty, that is no deterrent. As the statistics show in countries that have the death penalty, it does not deter murderers. I think hard labour every single day for the rest of their lives is better punishment and deterrent.

Will E Worm

Quite sick how whoever wrote that article has tried turning this horrific crime into a race motivated one.

As for the death penalty, that is no deterrent. As the statistics show in countries that have the death penalty, it does not deter murderers. I think hard labour every single day for the rest of their lives is better punishment and deterrent.

When the death penalty is used correctly it's a deterrent

There will always be criminals.
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"

Mahatma Gandhi
Quite sick how whoever wrote that article has tried turning this horrific crime into a race motivated one.

As for the death penalty, that is no deterrent. As the statistics show in countries that have the death penalty, it does not deter murderers. I think hard labour every single day for the rest of their lives is better punishment and deterrent.

It's actually a 100% deterrent. That person is guaranteed never to kill again.

As opposed to someone who is sentenced to life who goes on to kill another inmate, a guard or escapes and kills someone on the outside, all of which happens.
In cold blood. Not in self defense or killing a criminal.

John 7:24 (KJV)
24: Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Genesis 9:6 (KJV)
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Exodus 21:12 (KJV)
He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.

Gooney goo goo.......
It just seems quite hypocritical to tell people it's wrong to kill and then punish them by killing them.

The world is a bad place. It will eat you up and kick your ass and doesn't give 2 shits what you or I think about it. Deterrents are just another fairy tale, if a person crosses the line of conduct in a society he/she should be destroyed and forgotten its the way of things pure and simple. Monsters should be treated as monsters.
You're still a little heavy on the Old Testament, there, Will.

What of the sentiment that "love one another" is actually the fulfillment of Old Testament Law, and Christ, who embodies love, and did not smite anyone, despite the fact that he was, himself, smited, fulfills God's wrath? That's some what substitution atonement theology, which I have some difficulty with, but it fits with your reasoning here.
Old testament is fun 'cause whatever what you're trying to justify, you'll find a justification...

The death penalty is justice for those who can't live like humans in society.
They can't live among humans ? Why ?
Are they born this way ? Then, why should the be punished for something they can't control, for how God made them ?
Or maybe they were born just like you and me and the world turn 'em crazy ? Then why should they be punished for what the world made to them ?

Will E Worm

Old testament is fun 'cause whatever what you're trying to justify, you'll find a justification...


They can't live among humans ? Why ?
Are they born this way ? Then, why should the be punished for something they can't control, for how God made them ?
Or maybe they were born just like you and me and the world turn 'em crazy ? Then why should they be punished for what the world made to them ?

You have to follow some laws.

They can't, so they need to be punished.