first movie

what was the first movie you ever saw in your life and who took you?

mine was pinochio way back when it first came out. my aunt beth took me.
i was too young to remember it apparently but i had many firsts with her.
she was like a 2nd mother to me cause my parents were too busy workin constantly to take me themselves. apparently i was born early enough to catch some of her highschool softball games too. ok ur turns!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I really don't know, but Bambie had to have been close.
I honestly couldn't even say for sure. It may have been Fantasia though.


Closed Account
It may have been roger rabbit but i dont remember much of it.
Moives i watch as a kid at home
wizard of oz
Return of the Jedi? I'm not sure....was a long time ago. (in a galaxy far, far away.......sorry, couldn't resist!:D)
A Disney movie, somewhere in 1974-1975... Bambi? Pinocchio? Not sure :dunno:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I think it was The Little Mermaid, when I was about 3. I know, I know.........

you were 3 when that came out? Fuck your young!
I'm sure I was taken to children's pictures in the mid 50s, but I don't remember any specific. The earliest movie that I remember, going to the theater, where the theater was located, etc. was "Some Like It Hot" at age 4.
Can't remember, I watched a lot of movies as a kid. I think it was Batman Returns

I remember my first R-rated movie was a Jackie Chan flick, "Rumble in the Bronx" if that's what it's called. It was pretty awesome actually, I'd like to see it again one day
This is probably why I'm so warped.

I was 4 years old, and went with a friend and his dad to see "Jaws".

Didn't sleep particularly well that night, but soon after developed a huge love of sharks and movie-making.
